The Tech What

The Tech What


What is the difference between an c and an indirect lookup in salesforce

An external lookup in Salesforce is a type of field that allows you to look up values from an external data source such as a website, database, or other external system.

On the other hand, an indirect lookup is a field that references values stored in one object and displays them on another object.

External Lookup

External lookups enable users to search for records stored outside of their Salesforce instance by integrating with third-party systems. This field type can be configured to return multiple results from the source but only display a single result at any given time within the record. It is typically used when an organization needs to synchronize information between two disparate systems or link the data between two different objects in Salesforce.

Indirect Lookup

In contrast, an indirect lookup is used to reference values from one object and display them on another. It is set up as a relationship between two objects in Salesforce and can be used to quickly view related records on the same page rather than having to search for them manually in different systems. For example, if you have an Account object with a field called “Name”, you could create an indirect lookup field on the Opportunity object that will automatically populate the name of the corresponding account record when creating a new opportunity. This relationship makes it easy to keep track of which opportunities are associated with particular accounts without having to open multiple tabs or search through different records.

Overall, external lookups enable users to search for records outside of their Salesforce instance while indirect lookups enable users to quickly reference values from one object and display them on another. Each type of field is useful in different scenarios and can help streamline the data synchronization process between different systems.

An external lookup and anc in salesforce are two different types of data relationships. External lookups allow you to access data from a source outside your Salesforce org, such as an external database or website. Indirect lookups provide the ability to link multiple objects together within Salesforce, allowing users to easily find related records without having to manually link them.

External Lookups:

External lookups enable users to connect their Salesforce org to an external data source, such as a database or website. This allows users to access and view data from the external source right in their Salesforce org. An example of this would be if a user wanted to retrieve customer information from an external system and then display it on their Lead record. The user can use an external lookup field to query the outside system and bring over the corresponding customer information into Salesforce.

Indirect Lookups:

Indirect lookups allow users to link multiple objects together within Salesforce, allowing them to quickly pull up related records without having to define relationships between each set of objects. For example, if a user wanted to see all the leads associated with an account, they could create an indirect lookup field on the Account object which links it to the Lead object. This allows users to quickly search for and pull up related records from different objects within Salesforce.


In conclusion, external lookups and indirect lookups are both powerful tools available to Salesforce users that allow them to access data from other sources and easily link information between objects in Salesforce. By understanding how each type of field works, you can choose which method is most appropriate for your organization’s needs.

External lookups and indirect lookups are two very useful tools in Salesforce that allow users to access data from outside sources or link multiple objects together. Each provides their own unique advantages depending on what kind of data access or relationship needs you have for your business. Understanding how these features work can help you make better use of them in order to maximize their potential benefit for your organization. By taking advantage of external lookups and indirect lookups in Salesforce, you can quickly and easily access data from outside sources or link related records with ease.