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The Tech What


Using Your Logo as a Visual Element in Website Design: Enhancing Navigation and User Experience


Logo design packages are a crucial part of any business. It’s the first thing that people see when they visit your website, and it can make or break their decision to stay on your site. That’s why it’s important to make sure your logo works well with the rest of what you have on-page.

Logo Design and Website Design are Two Sides of the Same Coin

The logo is a branding tool, and the website is a communication tool. Logos are extensions of your brand, and websites are extensions of your brand.

This means that if you want people to know who you are, how you feel and what you do–and actually care about it–then both the logo design process and web design process must be done well. They’re two sides of the same coin: one side represents what’s inside; the other side represents how people perceive it all from outside their own mindsets (or browsers).

What Does Your Logo Say About You?

Your logo is the first thing people see, and it will be the element of your brand that they remember most. The importance of creating a memorable and unique logo cannot be overstated. You want something that stands out from the crowd while still being appropriate for your target audience. This can be difficult to accomplish, but it’s worth taking some time to get right!

To ensure that your logo is effective at communicating all these qualities (and more), consider these tips:

  • Make sure your logo isn’t too trendy or obscure–it should have longevity in terms of how long it lasts within its industry or market segment; this means avoiding overly complex designs so they don’t become dated quickly (think Helvetica vs Comic Sans).
  • Don’t worry about making changes later on down the road if needed–it’s better than having an outdated image representing who you are today!

Make Sure Your Logo is Ready for Web

Before you can use your logo as a visual element in website design, you need to make sure it’s ready for web.

  • Use vector files. Vector graphics are a great way to go because they’re scalable and don’t lose quality when they’re resized. This allows you flexibility with how much space on the screen your logo takes up (which is important if it’s going to be used in multiple places) without sacrificing quality or making it look pixelated when viewed up close.
  • Make sure the logo is scalable. If possible, keep an EPS file of your logo so that any designer working with it has access to all its details at full resolution–this way there won’t be any surprises later down the line!

Choose a Typeface that Works with your Logo Design

Choosing a typeface for your website is an important decision. It can help strengthen the brand of your business, and it can also affect how users interact with your site.

  • Select a typeface that works well with your logo design. If you have a logo that has been designed by an outside company (or even if you designed it yourself), consider how well that logo works with different typefaces before making any decisions about what to use on your website. If there’s some conflict between the two elements, consider changing one or both before making them live online.*
  • Choose an easily readable font for navigation text and other interface elements on mobile devices. This will help reduce eye strain when people are using their smartphones or tablets while they’re out in public places like coffee shops or restaurants.*

How to Use Your Logo as a Visual Element in Web Design

  • Your logo should be visible on every page of your website. The main reason for this is that it’s an important element of branding and identity, which helps users connect with your brand.
  • You can also use it to create a cohesive look throughout the site by using the same font and colors as those used in your logo. This will reinforce recognition of your brand even more strongly than if you just used it once or twice throughout an entire site (and this might not even be possible).

It’s important to consider how your logo will work with other elements of your website design.

The logo is the face of your business. It’s a visual representation of your brand, and should be consistent across all elements. A good example is Coca-Cola’s famous script logo–you can see it on their bottles, cans, ads and even their website. This consistency makes it easy for consumers to recognize the brand when they see it anywhere online or offline!

The same goes with website design: if you want people who visit your site to remember who you are (or at least come back again), then incorporating elements from your logo into other parts of the page will help accomplish this goal more effectively than simply having text links in place of buttons would do.


As you can see, there are many ways to use your logo as a visual element in web design. The most important thing is to make sure that it works with the rest of your site and enhances its user experience keeping in mind that it fits your budget by coming through with an affordable logo and website design package. If you are looking for help with your website design or logo design then please contact us today – we would love to hear from you!