The Tech What

The Tech What


What will be the major trends in UK web design?

As with any area of design, web design trends are constantly evolving and changing. Here are some major trends that are currently emerging and are likely to continue to grow in the UK:

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Dark mode:

Dark mode design has become increasingly popular, especially as it can help reduce eye strain and improve readability. The dark mode also adds a touch of sophistication and elegance to website designs.

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Asymmetric layouts:

Asymmetric layouts are becoming more popular as they offer a unique and creative design approach that can help capture users’ attention. Asymmetric designs break away from traditional, symmetrical grid designs, which can help a website stand out.

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Bold typography:

Bold typography is a popular trend that is likely to continue in the UK. It helps create hierarchy and visual interest, while also improving readability. Bold typography can also help convey a brand’s personality and tone.

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Immersive experiences:

Web designers are looking for ways to create more immersive experiences on websites. This includes the use of video and interactive elements, which can help bring a website to life and make it more engaging.

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Minimalism has been a design trend for a while, but it is still going strong in the UK. Minimalistic design is characterised by clean, simple layouts, ample white space, and a focus on typography and images. Minimalistic design can help create a more elegant and sophisticated look.

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3D elements:

The use of 3D elements in web design is becoming more popular, as it can add depth and dimension to designs. 3D elements can be used to create visual interest, provide additional context, and enhance the user experience.

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In summary, the major trends in UK web design are dark mode, asymmetric layouts, bold typography, immersive experiences, minimalism, and 3D elements. These trends are likely to continue to shape the way websites are designed and developed in the UK.