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Bagster Bag

The Use of a Bagster Bag May Facilitate Garbage Management

Bagster Bag are large, strong woven bags that can hold full sheets of plywood, doors, and even a bathtub for easy disposal. They are rated to hold up to 3,300 pounds of trash. The Bagster Bag created by Waste Management, is an easy way to dispose of trash and other unwanted materials.

One can buy a Bagster Bag from any of over two thousand retail outlets across the country. They will come and get them from your house or office whenever you call or schedule it online. Home Depot, Lowe’s, Ace Hardware, and True Value are just some of the stores that carry the Bagster Bag

Bagster Bag are 3 cubic yards in size, 8 feet in length, 4 feet in width and 2.5 feet in height. A total of 1.65 tons 3,300 pounds can be stored in each Bag. The best way to make use of the Bag is to pack it to capacity with items of varying weights, evenly distributed throughout.

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All Stored in Bagster Bag

Lines of heavy up to 40 lbs each moving boxes filled with non-permanent items like old newspapers, broken dishes, and outgrown or outdated clothing. Dead bushes, rotting bark, cleared overgrowth and uprooted weeds are all stored in Bagster Bag. The old carpet was rolled up and the pillows, comforters and mattresses were dispersed evenly.

Weight Limits before Loading Heavy Materials

Items from the living room, attic, or basement that are no longer of any value, such as scratched LPs, laser-rotted CDs, or boundless paperbacks are collected in small bags or boxes. For example, bricks take up very little room but a lot of weight, so users should be aware of weight limits before loading heavy materials. The Bag can only hold one cubic yard of heavy materials like dirt, concrete and asphalt.

Cost of the Bagster

Since there are no monthly rental fees associated with using Bagster Bag. The service’s pricing is transparent and easy to understand. Simply fill the bag to capacity and call for pickup. Once you’ve paid for the bag and removed all trash from your property. The following is the cost for the Bag and its subsequent retrieval. One Bagster Bag costs $30.00 and is sold at hardware and home improvement stores like Lowe’s and Home Depot.

Weighing More Than 3,300 Pounds Incur an Extra Fee

Bags weighing more than 3,300 pounds incur an extra fee. As a result, the going rate for a cleanout via Bagster is $205.00. Since the Bag is purchased rather than rented, the misunderstandings that can arise from miscalculating rental costs are avoided. If your work takes longer than expected, you won’t incur the late fees typical of a rental agreement.

Cost Depending On the Size and Weight

A Bag can only hold so much, though. If you have a lot of trash that won’t fit in one Bag. You might have to shell out for another, effectively doubling the cost of your cleanup job. Each additional Bag will cost $30.00, and the trucking service will add $150 for a second pickup. Therefore, the total cost could be $385.00 even if the scope of your cleanup project only requires a one-and-a-third Bag capacity.

The Bagster Works

The Bag may be purchased at your neighborhood Home Depot and then brought back home, where its installation is as simple as dragging it to its final resting place. Granted, the Bagster Bag will need to be located within five feet of the street curb in front of your residence at the time of collection. Therefore, you won’t want to stuff the Bag too fully before putting it in a good area for takeaway. With one Bag, you might expect to do any of the following projects.

Use Bags to Dispose of Unwanted Objects

Kitchen and bathroom makeover. Whatever old knick knacks, rugs or hygiene products you choose to dispose of from either location may be fit into a Bag. Disposal of clutter in the attic and cellar. You may use bags to dispose of unwanted objects like old newspapers, documents, clothes infested with moths, lamps, paintings, and other home decor that have seen better days.

Utilize Bagster to Dispose of Outdated Items

Cleaning up the outside space and deck. You may utilize Bagster Bag to dispose of outdated potted plants, broken fountains and other items that won’t fit into your future outdoor design, such as broken fixtures, broken boards and dead shrubs.

Suitable for the Bagster

You can use the Bagster to clean out your bedroom or living room as long as you’re not getting rid of any particularly large or heavy items. One large purge that consists primarily of smaller items may require more than one Bag.

Dirt can be Removed using a Single Bag

You can use Bagster Bag to haul away displaced dirt from your property, but there’s a limit to how much soil you can haul away at one time. Extremely big piles of dirt are just as heavy as piles of concrete, brick, or asphalt. Bagster’s maximum dirt load is one cubic yard, despite the Bag’s total capacity of 3,300 pounds and three cubic yards.