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Ayurvedic Doctor in Sydney

Ayurvedic Practices that will help in leading a sustainable lifestyle

Every year people around the globe people make promises to make better life choices. Better life choices can lead to a healthier body and mind. But most of these choices that are made get abandoned within a few weeks, which can cause adverse effects on the body. Ayurveda can help you incorporate a routine without it being rigorous or stringent. It may seemingly look difficult to follow but the routine becomes habitual. Consulting an Ayurvedic Doctor in Sydney can make it easy to choose some Ayurvedic practices that are simple to adopt.

Ayurvedic Practices to usher in a better lifestyle

A few practices can alter well-being and health for the better. To start, one should lose the routine of being a night owl. Ayurveda dictates that waking up with the sun can benefit our bodies and minds. Being an early riser provides a few extra hours that the individual can utilize to start a workout regimen, and avoid the morning rush to reach work.

Ayurvedic doctors in Sydney advise a mixture of lemon juice with honey in lukewarm water to kick start the day. This concoction keeps the stomach healthy and boosts metabolism.

Waking up early keeps the energy level high, helps concentrate, and maintains a better sleep cycle.

The mantra ‘work hard, play hard’ may seem infectious and help one reach their goals, but often at the cost of sleep and rest. The body needs to heal from the damage that it has been through and for that, an 8-hour sleep cycle is needed. Better quality sleep keeps mental health issues at bay and boosts productivity. In other words, it helps the individual catch the worm!

An Ayurvedic diet is important to keep the dominant dosha in check and is tailor-made according to the body type. The diet incorporates spices and herbs which help metabolize the food effectively.

The diet favors the intake of nutritious superfoods that nourishes the body and Agni (digestive fire).

Water is an often-forgotten aspect of our daily lives. Lack of water in our system dulls our cognitive skills and causes mood swings. Drinking adequate water takes care of our skin, bones, kidneys, and stomach.

So, we should listen to our bodies when it signals it’s thirsty and drink up.

Exercise is an integral part of living a healthy life. If someone is just starting, they should have small sets of workouts and gradually increase the number of repetitions, so that they don’t abandon the process altogether. It can be a tough task to list all the benefits of daily exercise as there can be innumerable ones associated with it.

Less intense workouts like swimming, yoga, or power jogging are suitable for all ages and fitness levels.

Managing stress levels is an essential aspect of mental health and overall well-being. High levels of stress can have an adverse effect on the body, mood, and immunity. Stress and anxiety can disrupt bowel movements and the digestive system.

Ayurvedic doctors in Sydney advocate meditation and breathing techniques(pranayama) to placate the mind and keep stress levels in check.

Going to the drugstore to buy over-the-counter medicines to cure pain or aches inside the body can become habitual over time. Drugs that give quick relief from minor illnesses tend to accumulate inside the body and take time to break down. Ayurvedic medicine offers a holistic approach to healing the body. It can result in treating the root cause rather than focusing on the symptoms. Ayurvedic treatments combine herbs, a proper diet, and medicine to rejuvenate the body and mind.

Ayurveda can cleanse the body of toxins that have inhabited the circulatory system. A routine ayurvedic cleanse can help in the following ways:

  1. Eliminates the impurities from the body
  2. Reduces stress and anxiety
  3. Boosts immunity and improves the digestive system
  4. Rejuvenates the nervous system
  5. Motivates a feeling of serenity and tranquility.
  6. Eliminates sluggishness
  7. The body enjoys a deep state of sleep.

An Ayurvedic Cleanse typically has three phases and can take up to 4 weeks. A simpler and shorter version can be followed at home which is less intense. The home regimen can be supervised by an Ayurveda practitioner in Sydney.

The first phase of the cleansing commences with laying the groundwork for the stomach. It calls for the elimination of processed and cold foods, caffeine, alcohol, meat, and dairy products from the diet; and replaces them with warm, simple-to-digest foods containing green veggies, stalks, and lentils with almost no oil and spices.

The second phase is cleaning out the gut and improving digestion. An Indian dish called Kitchari (Khichdi) is a porridge that is simple to make and has very few ingredients that can help during cleansing. Ghee can be used to add flavor to the Kitchari. Clarified butter or ghee has Omega-3 fatty acids and helps in GI tract oleation.

The third step reverts to the first step accompanied by meditation and a workout regimen to remove emotional toxins and restore the balance of the doshas in the body.


Though it is known that Ayurveda has its roots in India, one does not need to travel there to get the best results. Before searching for a destination holiday retreat, look for “Kerala Ayurveda Sydney” on the phone and go to the nearest Ayurveda treatment facilities which have trained practitioners looking forward to guiding people in their path of healing.