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homeopathic medicine for constipation

Best homeopathic medicine for Constipation

Constipation is a prevalent and persistent condition that can be uncomfortable and agonizing. The condition results when the colon’s content of solid waste becomes too large, hard, or dry to pass through the rectum. If you suffer from constipation, try one of these homeopathic medicines to relieve your symptoms:

About homeopathic medicine for Constipation


homeopathic medicine for Constipation is a , Constipation Treatment . This Homeopathic remedy is use in the treatment of constipation and the associated symptoms.

Homeopathic medicines are prescribe through the use of  a series of  dilutions . As the medicine is prepare, each dilution is small enough to be absorb into the skin. The smallest dose possible has been determine to be effective (usually about 10 drops) when applied topically as a preparation. Homeopathic medicines are most effective for immediate relief and over-the-counter use.

A homeopathic remedies be take as soon as symptoms appear. It takes effect rapidly – within seconds to minutes. If a person has a recurrence of symptoms during the day, the medicine can be appl before activity resumes for quick relief.

Homeopathic medicine for Constipation is a homeopathic medicine for Straining, Constipation Treatment . This Homeopathic remedy is use in the treatment of constipation and the associated symptoms.

Homeopathic medicines are prescribe through the use of  a series of  dilutions . As the medicine is prepare, each dilution is small enough to be absorb into the skin. The smallest dose possible has been determin to be effective (usually about 10 drops) when applied topically as a preparation. Homeopathic medicines are most effective for immediate relief and over-the-counter use.

A homeopathic remedy can be taken as soon as symptoms appear. It takes effect rapidly – within seconds to minutes. If a person has a recurrence of symptoms during the day, the medicine can be applbefore activity resumes for quick relief.

Symptoms of Constipation:


Ingredients of Homeopathic medicine for Constipation

Homeopathic medicine for Constipation Dosage Information:

1. Take the medicine in the morning and evening. The first dose is recommended to be taken 4 hours after the first meal of the day. The second dose is taken at bedtime with a glass of water half an hour before sleep. Do not take more than 2 doses in a day on an empty stomach.

2. Flatus and stool are expected within a few hours of taking the medicine. If you have frequent loose stools or do not pass stool within 48 hours, consult your physician.

3. If you suffer from chronic constipation, take the medicine 6 times a year as per your physician’s instruction.

4. It is recommended that you do not eat within 2 hours before or after taking the medicine.

5. For the medicine to be most effective, it is recommended that you leave the medicine on your skin for at least 2 hours.

6. If you need to apply the medicine on a segment of your body other than the arm, rub some of it over the affected area after dumping some into your palm, moisten with water and apply.

7. Do not wipe off until 2 hours after application or as per doctor’s instruction.

8. Use the medicine only once and then discard unused portion.

9. Avoid direct contact with eyes while handling the medicine and while dumping some into the palm and moistening with water.

10. Do not chew the tablets, powder or ointment.

11. Do not use if you are allergic to any of the ingredients in the preparation or if you are pregnant or breastfeeding unless advised by your physician or practitioner.

12. Consult your doctor or practitioner before using any other homeopathic medicine or if you have recently taken allopathic medication.

13. Do not use if you are hypersensitive to any of the ingredients in the preparation.

14. Keep out of reach of children.

15. Do not overdose on the medicine.

Best Homeopathic Medicine for Sinusitis:

1. Take the medicine as recommended by doctor.

2. Take the first dose 4 hours after a meal or 2 hours after taking your medication that relieves constipation or if you do not have a bowel movement within 48 hours of taking the medicine, consult your physician.

3. Take the medicine at bedtime on an empty stomach.

4. Do not eat within 2 hours after taking the medicine.

5. Take the medicine as recommended by your physician till you are completely cured of sinusitis. It may take 3 to 6 months for complete recovery from Sinusitis.


Consult your physician if you are unable to pass stools after several weeks of treatment with homeopathic medicine for constipation and sinusitis. Also consult your physician before taking any other homeopathic medicines.

Homeopathy, the healing power of allopathy, is a system of universal, scientific and natural medicine that restores health by stimulating the body’s natural self-healing powers using minute quantities (the weakest possible dosage) of highly diluted substances that can stimulate disease symptoms.