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The Tech What

Healthcare SIC Code
Business Health

Where can I find the Healthcare SIC Code?

Healthcare Mailing can help you target the specific Healthcare SIC code to divide businesses based on their commercial activity. You may create efficiently tailored and segmented marketing campaigns. You can target SIC Code 80 by using a thoroughly verified  SIC code list from SIC Code 80 – Health Services.

The largest category of businesses that primarily provide people with medical and other health services is represented by the SIC code 80. Hospices are also included in this broad category and are categorized based on the leading service they offer. You can gain more SIC code List 80 customers when the list is divided based on subcategories like industry sector, revenue generated, and employee size.

The SIC Code can identify a firm’s primary line of business. It is a number used to determine the industry it operates in. SIC Code Search can locate the best industry-related businesses, suppliers, and competitors.

With the help of our SIC Codes Lookup tool, choose your precise sic code 80 health services for healthcare organizations.