The Tech What

The Tech What


5 IT Challenges a Growing Business Face 

Today, there are 150 million companies worldwide, and 50 million new ones are founded yearly. Every day, on average, 137,000 companies are formed. By any measure, they are substantial sums.  

But the issue still stands: How many firms manage to weather the ferocious tech storms of change that have fundamentally altered today’s startups?  

There is no end to the constantly shifting trends that organizations must adapt to prosper, from remote work and cloud-based software to smartphone use and artificial intelligence. Is your company well-prepared for the future of innovation? Or do you require assistance making the most of the new hardware and software opportunities? 

You can solve those IT issues and save time and money with research and strategic preparation. In this post, we’ll look at three significant technological difficulties organizations encounter.

  1. The Lack of IT Skills and Constraints on IT Human Resources 

Almost half of all small firms outsource most or all of their IT management and support. For these organizations, IT human resources are constrained by money and the skills of their preferred service provider. 

This can be a frightening prospect because many non-technical corporate executives need more technical expertise, which can lead to an overreliance on advice and, as a result, potentially wasted money and technology that is not a good match. 

Those that do bring IT in-house need help hiring and retaining personnel. According to, IT unemployment in 2014 varied from 1% to 2.5% in all states during data collection. The total unemployment rate exceeded 7%.

To suggest that IT talent is in short supply is the understatement of the era. There are few on the market, and even if you find one, competitive salaries from other organizations yearning for your skilled employees is a continual worry.

According to CIO Magazine’s 2015 State of the CIO report, enterprise architecture, mobile technologies, big data/business analytics, cybersecurity and risk mitigation, and app development are the top five skills gaps. 

  1. Digital Transformation

Businesses refrain from frequently setting out to undergo digital transformation or technology integration into almost every element of their operations. Instead, the widespread use of technology in corporate activities often results in haphazard, unintentional digital transformation, which gives users of the organization’s apps uneven user experiences. 

For a smooth transition, it might be essential to take a more conscious digital transformation strategy that considers how each piece of technology (from mobile applications to data-gathering tools) is linked to the organization’s overall operations. An IT advisory service can be helpful here. 

  1. Cloud Migration 

Sometimes people see the “Cloud” as an ill-defined, amorphous panacea for all of a company’s problems. Although cloud-based services such as platform-as-a-service (PaaS), software-as-a-service (SaaS), disaster recovery-as-a-service (DRaaS), and similar ones might be quick and affordable ways for a corporation to handle particular problems, only some cloud solutions are made.

A company must have a clear adoption strategy for the cloud, including a plan for dealing with legacy systems that might not work with cloud-based technology. The difficulty of merging the cloud with the company’s operations may be significantly eased by having a committed partner who can offer specialized cloud solutions. 

Also Read: To know in detail about the employee survey questions about management click on the link.


  1. Technology Can Be Too Expensive For Small Businesses 

There is no surprise here. Technology may be expensive, and as the Internet of Things sweeps across, keeping up with the larger competitors in your field will become increasingly challenging if you don’t have equal resources.

According to Ipsos, the expenses of keeping and updating technology are the most critical problem for 9 out of 10 small business owners. In addition, just 46% believe their budget enables them access to the same technological tools as a major corporation.

So, what is the average IT budget for a company? The average US IT budget is $303,879. This is according to the 2015 Spiceworks IT Spending Survey. This may help explain why so many small firms believe that the playing field in technology is more than level.

As a company develops its income streams, Structure, a different research organization, advises spending 4% to 6% of sales on IT. 

  1. Apps Integration 

Application integration is another difficulty that companies frequently encounter. Newer technologies may need to work better with legacy apps or older systems. Independent systems can be problematic since they operate alone and cannot be integrated. 

Because of integration problems, such as the need to duplicate processes and difficulty accessing and managing data rapidly, operational and personnel efficiency may suffer greatly. 

Integration of apps improves company management processes and allows for performance comparison with various other applications. Additionally, IT infrastructure development is simpler, and customers’ expectations may be met promptly.  

This is why ensuring that any new technologies you wish to use will integrate with your existing systems is essential. Your accounting system should be able to communicate with your CRM and vice versa. Your marketing tools should also be able to communicate with your payments system and so forth.

Thanks to CRM connectivity, your sales team’s critical operations may be centralized. This enables managing and integrating email, finance, customer service, and records control.


To be successful in the long run, small firms must overcome several technological obstacles. If your business isn’t driven by technology, it’s a good idea to learn fundamental concepts about it. A better option would be to make sure you work with highly competent partners and staff who can guide you in the proper route.