The Tech What

The Tech What

10 Things to Consider Before Designing the Perfect Label
Food & Drink

10 Things to Consider Before Designing the Perfect Label

Whether you are a business owner launching a new product or creating labels for existing products, there is much to consider when designing the perfect label. From choosing the right colours, font to selecting the suitable materials and finding the best label printer for sale, a lot of thought goes into creating an effective label. Sometimes all of it can be overwhelming and confusing. Therefore, we did the research and here are 10 things to consider when designing the perfect label.


Why Is Product Label Design Important for a Brand?


Product label design is a crucial aspect of branding as it serves as the first point of contact between the product and the consumer. The label design acts as a visual representation of the brand, reflecting the brand’s values, personality, and messaging.


A well-designed label can make a product stand out on a crowded store shelf, attracting the attention of potential customers and encouraging them to purchase. The design must be clear, legible, and easy to understand, providing the necessary information about the product, such as ingredients, usage, and storage instructions. A label that is difficult to read or understand may turn customers away, reducing the likelihood of a sale.


The label’s design can also play a role in establishing brand recognition and building brand loyalty. A consistent and recognisable design across a product line can help customers quickly identify the brand, making it easier for them to find and purchase their preferred products in the future.


In addition, a well-designed label can communicate the quality and value of a product, making it more appealing to customers. A premium label design can communicate that a product is of high quality, while a more basic design may share that a product is more budget-friendly.


Things to Consider When Designing the Perfect Label for Your Product




Choosing the right colours is one of the most crucial aspects of your design. Bright colours tend to stand out more, while muted tones can be calming and help draw attention to any text on your label. Think about what message you want your product to convey and choose colours accordingly.


The colour scheme you decide on for your label can significantly affect how people view your product. Consider the psychological studies that support the colour choices and the mood you want your product to convey, such as serenity, excitement, environmental friendliness, etc. Also, consider the best thermal label printers so that the label has the exact colour you want and doesn’t fade during printing.




Your choice of fonts should reflect your brand identity and the content on your label. Selecting too small fonts can make it difficult for customers to read, while overly large fonts can appear overwhelming or unprofessional. Therefore, always try to strike a balance between something easy-to-read and eye-catching.




The type of material you opt for your labels will depend mainly on the surface of your product and the duration they need to last. For example, if you’re making waterproof labels for use outdoors, choose weatherproof vinyl instead of paper labels that could quickly become smudged or ruined in wet conditions. Also, when you opt for label printers for sale, ensure they are of optimum quality. Otherwise, the inferior print can also ruin your label.




If you plan to include images on your label, ensure they align with your brand’s visual identity and product. Consider using high-resolution pictures that accurately represent what’s inside and any other information customers might need. These can include usage instructions, claims, expiry dates etc. Choose only the best thermal label printers to print images since these can provide you with high resolution, clear, long-lasting images that are resistant to weather conditions and can elevate the image quality.




Depending on the product that needs the label, you may need multiple sizes of labels to effectively cover all areas of the product (or container). Measure the surface area where each label needs to go and any additional space around it to get an exact size measurement before printing them out or ordering them online.


Logo Placement


Placing your logo in the best spot is essential for branding purposes. However, be careful not to overwhelm customers with too many logos or graphics in one place. It can also distract them from important information like ingredient lists or usage instructions that must go on each label design.


Legal Requirements


Ensure all legal requirements, such as warning messages, nutrition facts, ingredients etc., are visible on each label. Different laws could govern labelling requirements depending on where you plan to distribute your product. It’s best practice to research applicable laws before finalising any designs. So put every minute detail on your label that’s mandatory according to the law, and also use the best label printers for sale, so these do not blur before they reach the customer.




Barcodes allow businesses and consumers to track products more efficiently, so they must appear clearly on each label. Consult with a professional specialising in barcode creation to ensure accuracy before submitting orders for printing.   


QR Codes


Although QR codes aren’t mandatory, they offer an efficient way for customers to quickly access more information about a product without having to search through websites or documents. Plus, adding QR codes allows small businesses to keep up with larger companies that often include them in their products without investing extra money into custom coding solutions.    




No matter how carefully proofread every aspect of the design process, there is always a chance of error. Therefore, double-check all text content once again before placing orders for printed labels.    


In a Nutshell


There is a lot to consider when designing perfect labels. However, taking time to ensure each step is perfect will be worth the effort. 


Always ensure that you work with the best label printers. Get them from trusted companies such as DAL so you have quality assurance and your labels come out as perfect as you perceive.

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