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How to Make a Delicious Porn Star Martini Cocktail at Home
Food & Drink

How to Make a Delicious Porn Star Martini Cocktail at Home

Porn Star Martini Cocktail: 

The Porn Star Martini is a trendy and refreshing cocktail that has become a favorite at bars and nightclubs around the world. This cocktail has gained popularity in recent years due to its fruity flavor and eye-catching presentation, making it a popular choice for those looking to impress their friends or followers on social media.

The Porn Star Martini was invented in 2002 by bartender Douglas Ankrah at The Townhouse bar in Knightsbridge, London. Ankrah was looking for a new cocktail to add to the bar’s menu, and he wanted to create something that was sweet, fruity, and visually appealing. After experimenting with different ingredients, he came up with the Porn Star Martini, which quickly became a hit with customers.

The cocktail’s name is said to have been inspired by the combination of passion fruit and vanilla, which Ankrah believed was a “hedonistic” mix that would appeal to the senses. The addition of Prosecco on top of the cocktail also adds an extra layer of luxury and sophistication.

Since its creation, the Porn Star Martini has become a staple on cocktail menus around the world, and it has even inspired variations such as the Passion Star Martini and the Gingerbread Porn Star Martini. While this cocktail is often associated with bars and nightclubs, it’s also possible to make it at home with just a few simple ingredients and the right equipment.

In the following sections, we’ll guide you through the steps to make your own Porn Star Martini Cocktail at home, so you can enjoy this refreshing and Instagrammable cocktail whenever you like.

How to Make a Porn Star Martini Cocktail at Home

If you’re a fan of fruity and refreshing cocktails, then you’ve probably heard of the Porn Star Martini. This trendy and Instagrammable cocktail is a popular choice at bars and nightclubs around the world. But did you know that you can easily make this cocktail at home? In this article, we’ll guide you through the steps to make your own Porn Star Martini Cocktail that will rival any bar’s version.


To make a Porn Star Martini, you’ll need the following ingredients:

  • 50ml of vodka
  • 25ml of Passoa (passion fruit liqueur)
  • 25ml of vanilla syrup
  • 25ml of lime juice
  • Half a passion fruit
  • Prosecco (optional)


You’ll need the following equipment:

  • Cocktail shaker
  • Jigger
  • Fine mesh strainer
  • Martini glass


Step 1: Prepare the Passion Fruit

Cut the passion fruit in half and scoop out the pulp into a bowl. You’ll be using half of the passion fruit for the cocktail, and the other half can be used as a garnish.

Step 2: Prepare the Cocktail Shaker

Fill the cocktail shaker with ice, then add the vodka, Passoa, vanilla syrup, and lime juice. Shake vigorously for about 15 seconds.

Step 3: Strain the Cocktail

Place the fine mesh strainer over the shaker, and pour the cocktail through the strainer into the martini glass. This will remove any ice and pulp that may have accumulated during the shaking process.

Step 4: Add the Passion Fruit

Spoon the passion fruit pulp into the center of the cocktail. If you’re feeling fancy, you can scoop out small balls of passion fruit using a melon baller and add those to the cocktail as well.

Step 5: Add Prosecco (optional)

If you want to give your cocktail a little extra fizz, you can add a splash of Prosecco to the top of the cocktail. This is entirely optional, but it can give your cocktail an extra level of sophistication.

Step 6: Garnish and Serve

Finally, slice the remaining half of the passion fruit into thin wedges and use them to garnish the cocktail. You can also add a slice of lime or a sprig of mint for extra visual appeal. Serve and enjoy!

Tips for the Perfect Porn Star Martini:

  • Use high-quality ingredients. The better the quality of the vodka, Passoa, and vanilla syrup, the better the cocktail will taste.
  • Be precise with your measurements. Use a jigger to measure the ingredients to ensure that you get the perfect balance of flavors.
  • Shake the cocktail vigorously. The key to a good Porn Star Martini is to shake it hard and fast to create a frothy texture and mix the ingredients thoroughly.
  • Use a fine mesh strainer. Straining the cocktail will remove any ice or pulp and create a smooth and velvety texture.

In conclusion, making a delicious Porn Star Martini cocktail at home is easier than you might think. With just a few high-quality ingredients and the right equipment, you can create a cocktail that rivals any bar’s version. Just follow the steps we’ve outlined above, and you’ll be sipping on a refreshing and Instagrammable cocktail in no time. Cheers!