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Why is coffee imported from Brazil exceptional?

Brazil is indisputably the largest producer of coffee in the world. The country also exports the most coffee, at around 55 million heaps a year. It is responsible for 40 per cent of the global coffee supply. Certainly, Brazilian coffee is unique in its properties. It has a strong flavour and an exceptional aroma.

What is so special about Brazilian coffee?

The import of coffee from Brazil is popular across the globe. The coffee has matchless characteristics that make it so special. Unlike most other coffees, Brazilian coffee does not produce much acidity. The harvest of coffee in Brazil is unique. Hence, it has a sweet, mild aroma. Here are few features of Brazilian coffee that make it unique:

  • Unmatchable quality: To ensure the remarkable quality of its coffee, Brazil introduced the ‘seal of purity’ in 1989. This locked in the goodness and aroma of the coffee through time and place. Moreover, Brazil trained the retailers about the right way of making coffee. The retailers also learnt to distinguish the quality of the coffee.
  • Chocolaty taste: The high-quality Brazilian coffee offers a rich cocoa aftertaste and a nutty flavour. However, the drink is not too intense, but soft-roasted brew.
  • A rich blend: The Brazilian is not made of a single type of coffee beans. It is a blend of four different types of beans. They are, Catuai, Mundo Novo, Icatu and Obata. Each of these beans has a unique flavour and adds richness to the final blend.

Catuai is a rich Arabica bean and adds a sweet flavour to the coffee. Mundo Novo is low-acidic and boosts immunity. Icatu is a hybrid bean that adds a malty cocoa taste to the coffee. Obata is a unique hybrid bean that gives a honey taste to the mix.

How to brew the perfect coffee?

Although Brazilian coffee tastes exceptionally good, it is not rare. More than one-third of all coffee in the world is Brazilian. Hence, you come across Brazilian coffee at least once in your life. However, despite the high quality of the beans, the coffee doesn’t taste so good. This is because most of the coffee is not brewed the right way. Here is how you can brew the richest, sweet-smelling, delicious Brazilian coffee:

Make sure your coffee beans are smoothly ground. The coffee gets its flavour from its powder. If the coffee is lumpy or grainy, the flavour will only be negligible.

  • Espresso: This is the best way to enjoy Brazilian coffee. The idea is to add some ground coffee to a filter. Now pour boiling water through it. This coffee is very easy to make. Besides, it enhances the sweet and chocolaty flavour of the coffee. This is the most traditional way of brewing coffee.
  • French Press: This way suits low-acidic coffees best. When you brew Brazilian coffee with a French press, your coffee will be strong and creamy. It also brings out the chocolaty flavour to your drink.
  • Cold Brew: This method involves plunging ground coffee into cold water. Set it aside till it becomes a concentrate. The cold brew makes the coffee a refreshing and mild drink.
    You should also remember that the serving size of Brazilian coffee is very little. An American coffee serving is a medium to a large cup. But this coffee is stronger and more intense. Hence, you can begin with a small serving of coffee.

The expanse of the import of Brazilian coffee:

Brazil is also the largest exporter of its coffee. It is one of the principal revenue generators of the country. Due to its exceptional quality, the demand for the coffee spans across the globe. However, the biggest importer of coffee from Brazil is the United States of America. It is followed by Germany and Italy.

Mostly, other countries import coffee for its unique properties. But Brazil also manufactures cheap bulk-selling quality coffees and other special varieties of beans. Even so, the import of coffee from Brazil has not dwindled a bit. There is always a rising demand for exquisite coffee. Sometimes, Brazil fails to deliver its coffee across borders on time due to a lack of transport.


Brazilian coffee grew popular because of its unique blend of beans, bittersweet taste and distinct aroma. This coffee is now brewed all across the world in different ways. The country also harvests its coffee in distinct ways. This method produces its varied beans and upholds the raw flavour of the coffee.

If you love coffee then you can check out top “restaurant chains in india” to get a brazilian coffee nearby you.