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The Tech What


Why Choose Us as Your Social Media Marketing Agency in Dubai

Social media is one of the biggest platforms for businesses to use as a marketing tool. Dubai is full of social media users. According to global almost 98.99 percent of the Dubai population uses social media. They use YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Linkedin, and many others. Therefore, businesses in the UAE use social media as a marketing tool to target this huge social audience.

Social media marketing involves the use of social media platforms for the promotion of brand products and services. This blog post tells about the benefits of social media marketing and things to be considered by businesses in the UAE when selecting a social media marketing agency.

A social media marketing agency like Oracle Digital is an agency that provides services related to social media marketing to every type of business in Dubai, UAE.

Benefits of social media marketing for your business in Dubai, UAE:

The benefits of social media marketing for businesses in Dubai are as follows:

  • It is a great source for building brand awareness.
  • It increases traffic on a business website.
  • It increases sales.
  • It attracts more potential customers.
  • It enhances the customer service of companies.
  • Social media marketing is a cost-effective marketing strategy.
  • Businesses can easily learn about their target audience through social media.
  • Businesses can retarget their audience easily.
  • It allows businesses to keep up with the latest trends.
  • It is a great platform to keep an eye on your competitors’ strategies.

What things that businesses need to see in social media marketing agency Dubai:

The following are the important things that businesses must see when selecting a social media marketing agency in Dubai, UAE:

Check their social media profiles:

The social media profiles of agencies paint a big picture of them. Businesses must visit the agency’s social media profiles to see about their social content strategy, followers, and much more. Businesses need to try to find such information:

  1. Is the content that they share related to their service offerings?
  2. Try to see how many followers they have and whether they are real.
  3. Look at the comments section to see how they are interacting with their audience.
  4. Are they posting regularly?
  5. Which social media platform do they use most?
  6. Are they running any social media campaigns for their business promotion?

This information is very helpful for you to select the right social media marketing agency. Their social media profiles are very essential for selecting them.

  • Do a visit to their business place:

Companies need to visit their local office in Dubai. During the visit, you just need to observe their environment. Try to get information related to their office timing. Observe their employees’ behavior and the agency’s overall culture.

  • Check the testimonial or a portfolio on their website:

Visit their website to see testimonials and previous portfolios. See which companies hire them for social media marketing and which big business names are present in their portfolios. Is a government organization using the services of that agency?

Also, visit the blog of an agency. See that the agency creates content related to social media marketing. This will tell you that they are a real agency, and they know how to deliver these services to businesses in Dubai.

  • Check their customer service:

Check their customer service by calling or emailing them. You can also fill out the form on their website and comment on their social media profiles. See how much time they take to reply to you. During a call, observe that the tone of the CSR team is natural and conservative. Ask technical questions related to their service. If they reply well and in a detailed manner, Then, the agency is really good for your business’s social media marketing strategy.

  • See company values and other essential information related to the agency:

Before visiting the agency office, check their company values, mission, and vision statement on their website. During the office visit, observe that those values are present in the agency environment. Ask them to tell you about the date of birth of the agency. Characteristics like teamwork, honesty, integrity, credibility, and professionalism are present from the CEO to every employee.

  • See their expertise:

You need to find information about their employees’ experience, skills, and much more. Talk to their social media marketers and ask them difficult questions. Are they well-qualified marketers? Are they using the latest tools and strategies for social media marketing? You must also find that the whole workforce operates from an office or remote areas.

  • Talk to their previous customer:

You may contact their previous customers to find more information related to their services, customer service, and everything you need to select a particular social media marketing agency.

  • See their budget packages:

The budget is another important factor. If the agency budget is cost-effective and according to your budget, then this is a great sign for companies to work with that agency.

  • Select Oracle Digital for your social media marketing purposes:

If businesses need a social media marketing agency in Dubai, UAE, then Oracle Digital is the best option for you. Yes, we at Oracel Digital are the leading agency providing social media marketing services. We have affordable packages; our team is professional; we follow the latest trends and methodologies; and we work with value. Oracle Digital takes you to the top heights in the social world through its social media marketing strategy.


Therefore, businesses in Dubai need to hire an agency that follows everything explained above in the article. Businesses must remember that in Dubai, UAE, you cannot get success without a social media marketing strategy.