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Which yoga is for delayed marriage?

Which yoga is for delayed marriage?

Marriage is a significant milestone in life, and Vedic astrology covers all of its facets in great detail. Venus is the most significant planet for marriage for men, whereas Jupiter is the most significant planet for marriage for women. Saturn is a key factor in the postponement of marriage. You can find out about yogas in your Kundali very easily, by talking to a marriage astrologer. We will examine the astrological combinations for delayed marriage in this webcast.

Planets in the 7th House

The Sun’s position in the seventh house suggests a delayed marriage and a rocky union. The native might not be steadfast in his beliefs. The wife might not always be committed to her husband. Saturn’s placement in the seventh house signifies multiple marriages or late marriages. In this situation, a person might wed a widow, a divorcee, or a person who is older than them. Mars in the seventh house also implies a strong Manglik effect, which is not good for a timely marriage. Such individuals ought to wait till they are 28 years old to get married.

Saturn and Late Marriage

Marriage will be postponed if Saturn is in aspect to the Moon, the Sun, or both. Saturn’s placement in the 7th house or in the ascendant also delays marriage. A late marriage is predicted if Saturn, the lord of the seventh house, is stationed there and forms a samsaptak yoga with the sun. Let’s now discuss Saturn’s placement in a Navamansh Kundali. A late marriage is predicted by the placement of Saturn and the Moon in the 7th house in a Navamsha Kundali.

Role of Venus in Late Marriage

A late marriage is predicted if Vivahkaraka Venus forms a conjunction with the Sun and Moon in the seventh house. Venus, the ascendant, or the seventh house being in Paap Kartari Yoga increases the likelihood of a later marriage.

Venus is thought to be the Sun and Moon’s nemesis. Hence, if Venus is in the signs of the Sun and Moon, Leo and Cancer, respectively, there may be an unnecessarily long delay in getting married. The native will marry later if Venus and the ascendant are in the signs of Gemini, Leo, Virgo, or Sagittarius.

Role of 2nd house in Late Marriage

Vedic astrology states that a retrograde planet results in loss, a change of state, and compels a person to attempt and try again in order to accomplish a task. To determine whether a person will get married quickly or slowly, the second, seventh, and eighth houses are examined. Family life is represented by the second house, while married bliss is represented by the seventh and eighth houses. The person will have to make several attempts to get married if there is a retrograde planet in the second house.

Because of this, delayed marriage is indicated by a retrograde planet in the second house or by a retrograde second-house ruler.

The house of expenditures is the 12th house. The second house incurs expense if the second house’s ruler is in the twelve. A malefic planet in the second house of your kundali will plague that house. Because of this, if the malefic is in the second house and the second house’s ruler is in the twelfth house, the native will also get married later.

There is every possibility of a marriage delay if the Moon and Saturn are in the second house.

Other reasons for the delay in marriage

If a malefic planet is in the 7th house with the ascendant and moon sign rulers, the 7th house ruler is likewise in the 12th house. Late marriage is indicated by this combination.

The bliss of married life will be delayed if the 6th, 7th, or 12th house lord is in the 7th house or aspects the 7th house.

The marriage will be postponed due to some opposition if the rulers of the fifth and seventh houses make mutual aspects to one another and are in conjunction with the malefic planets. Nonetheless, the marriage won’t be postponed if the fifth or seventh lord is at home or elevated.

Remedies to avoid marriage problems

Vedic mantras are a quick fix to stop the marriage from being delayed by unfavorable astrological combinations. Recite the Mangal Mantra “Om Kram Kreem Krom Saha Bhoumaye Namah” if the delay is caused by Manglik dosha.

Chant “Om Brahm Brahaspataye Namah” for other combinations if the individual is a woman, and “Om Shum shukraye Namah” if the person is a man.

Strike the iron while it’s hot, as the saying goes. This also applies in this situation. It will be simple to find the perfect companion and be married if the dasha, antardasha, and transits are favorable, therefore be sure to verify your running dasha and transit.