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Types of Diets You Can Try
Health Lifestyle

These are 4 Types of Diets You Can Try

To lose weight and maintain overall body health, the steps that can be taken are to apply a diet. Yup, that one activity is a way to regulate diet and the type of food consumed.

Eits, but not all diets are aimed at losing weight, you know. There are several diets that some people do because they have certain diseases. This is done to regulate all the nutrients that enter the body.

For that, there are several types of diets that you can do and apply. Anything? Check out the various types below.

Atkins Diet

Reporting from Halodoc, the Atkins diet is a diet that aims to control carbohydrate intake. Instead, fat consumption can be increased.

The Atkins diet allows a person to consume fat. But, the fat consumed is not bad fat, but good fat.

The Atkins diet menu is sourced from foods that contain pure protein, HDL fat, and high-fiber vegetables. This low-carb diet can increase metabolism, so the body can burn more fat stores in the body.

Mediterranean Diet

For those of you who want to lose weight, the Mediterranean diet is perfect for running. This diet incorporates the traditional healthy living habits of people living in areas bordering the Mediterranean Sea.

When carrying out this diet, you are required to eat healthy types of food, rich in vegetables, fruit, nuts, and whole grains.

Apart from that, you can also eat a little chicken, red meat, and unsaturated fats that come from olive oil.

keto diet

This diet encourages you to eat foods that are high in fat and protein, but low in carbohydrates. It is useful to get a lot of calorie intake from protein and fat.

From there, the ketosis process begins. This process is a condition when the body no longer has intake of carbohydrates (glucose) as a food source to be processed into energy.

To replace energy lost from sugar, protein and fat consumed becomes an important role. With it, weight loss can occur properly.

Paleo diet

Remember the Paleolithic? Yes, it was a prehistoric human life phase. The name of this diet refers to the pattern of human food consumption in that era.

In the prehistoric phase, humans ate what was available around them. Likewise this diet, you only eat foods that are readily available. However, you have to process these foods by steaming or baking.

Besides being able to lose weight, the paleo diet can also minimize the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.

Those are the four types of diets that you can do. To keep your body healthy, you also have to regularly consume mineral water that has essential minerals, right!