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What’s the Process for Renewing Global Entry?

Global Entry is a program developed by the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) to expedite the entry process for pre-approved, low-risk travelers into the United States. Once you have been approved for Global Entry, you will be able to use designated kiosks when you arrive in the U.S. and complete your customs and immigration procedures in a matter of minutes. However, your Global Entry membership will only last for five years, after which you will need to renew it. In this blog post, we will explain the process for renewing Global Entry and how you can do it online.

The Global Entry renewal process is relatively straightforward, and you can complete it online without having to visit an enrollment center or have an interview with a CBP officer. The first thing you need to do is log into your Trusted Traveler Programs (TTP) account on the CBP website. Once you have logged in, you will see a list of your current TTP memberships, including your Global Entry membership, and the expiration dates for each one.

To renew your Global Entry membership, click on the “Renew Membership” button next to your Global Entry membership. You will be asked to confirm your personal information and answer a few questions about your eligibility to participate in the program. If you are eligible to renew your membership, you will be directed to a payment page where you can pay the $100 renewal fee.

Once you have paid the renewal fee, your application will be reviewed by CBP, and you will receive a message in your TTP account letting you know if your renewal has been approved. If your renewal is approved, you will receive a new Global Entry card in the mail within a few weeks. If your renewal is not approved, you will be asked to schedule an interview with a CBP officer at an enrollment center to discuss the reasons for the denial and how you can address them.

It’s important to note that you should start the global entry renewal online process well before your current membership expires. You can renew your membership up to a year before it expires, and CBP recommends that you start the renewal process at least six months before your expiration date. This will give CBP enough time to process your application and mail you a new Global Entry card before your current membership expires.

Renewing your Global Entry membership online is a convenient and efficient process, but there are some things to keep in mind to ensure that your renewal goes smoothly. First, make sure that your personal information in your TTP account is up to date and accurate. If there are any changes to your name, address, or other personal information, update it in your account before you start the renewal process.

Second, be prepared to answer questions about your eligibility to participate in the Global Entry program. CBP may ask about any criminal or immigration violations you have committed since your last application, as well as any changes to your employment or travel patterns.

Finally, make sure you have a valid credit card or debit card to pay the $100 renewal fee. CBP does not accept cash or checks, and the fee is non-refundable, so make sure you are ready to pay before you start the renewal process.

In conclusion, renewing your Global Entry membership is a straightforward process that you can complete online through your TTP account on the CBP website. Make sure you start the renewal process well before your current membership expires, keep your personal information up to date, be prepared to answer questions about your eligibility, and have a valid credit or debit card to pay the renewal fee. By following these guidelines, you can ensure that your Global Entry renewal goes smoothly and that you can continue to enjoy the benefits of expedited entry into the United States.