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What You Need to Know About the BREEAM Assessment Process

As sustainability becomes an increasingly important factor in building design and construction, the Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method (BREEAM) has emerged as a widely recognized assessment process for measuring the environmental performance of buildings. Here’s what you need to know about the BREEAM assessment process and BREEAM assessment criteria.

What is BREEAM?

BREEAM is an environmental assessment method that evaluates the sustainability of buildings. It measures the performance of a building’s design, construction, and operation. BREEAM covers a range of environmental issues, including energy and water use, indoor air quality, materials selection, and waste management. The assessment considers the building’s impact on the environment, its occupants, and the wider community.

The BREEAM assessment process is divided into several stages, each designed to evaluate a different aspect of a building’s environmental performance. The stages include pre-assessment, design stage assessment, post-construction stage, and in-use stage assessment.

Pre-assessment Stage

The pre-assessment stage is the first step in the BREEAM assessment process. During this stage, a preliminary assessment is carried out to determine the potential environmental impact of the building. The pre-assessment helps to identify the areas where the building design can be improved to achieve a higher BREEAM rating.

Design Stage Assessment

The design stage assessment is the second stage of the BREEAM assessment process. The building design is evaluated during this stage to determine its potential environmental impact. The design stage assessment considers various environmental factors, including energy use, water consumption, and waste management. The assessment also looks at the building’s impact on the surrounding environment, including its effect on biodiversity and the local community.

Post-construction Stage Assessment

The post-construction stage assessment is the third stage of the BREEAM assessment process. This stage is carried out once the building has been completed. The building is evaluated during the post-construction stage assessment to determine its actual environmental impact. The assessment looks at how the building performs regarding energy consumption, water use, waste management, and indoor air quality.

In-Use Stage Assessment

The in-use stage assessment is the final stage of the BREEAM assessment process. This stage evaluates the building’s ongoing environmental performance. The assessment considers energy use, water consumption, waste management, and indoor air quality. The in-use stage assessment is typically carried out annually to ensure that the building is operating environmentally and sustainably.

BREEAM Achievements

One of the major achievements of the BREEAM assessment process is that it has become widely recognized as a measure of a building’s environmental performance. The BREEAM certification clearly indicates a building’s sustainability credentials and can help differentiate it from other buildings. BREEAM is also a key tool for promoting sustainable building practices and encouraging the construction industry to reduce its environmental impact.

Another achievement of the BREEAM assessment process is that it is constantly evolving to keep pace with changing environmental concerns. BREEAM is regularly updated to reflect the latest environmental standards and best practices. This ensures that the assessment process remains relevant and effective in promoting sustainable building practices.

Benefits of BREEAM:

BREEAM offers several benefits to building owners, developers, and occupants, including:

  • Environmental sustainability: BREEAM clearly indicates a building’s sustainability credentials and encourages adopting sustainable building practices. The assessment process helps reduce buildings’ environmental impact and promotes the use of renewable resources and sustainable technologies.
  • Financial savings: BREEAM can lead to significant financial savings for building owners and occupants. The assessment process identifies energy and water savings opportunities, which can help reduce utility costs. BREEAM certification can also increase the value of a building and improve its marketability.
  • Improved occupant health and well-being: BREEAM promotes using healthy and sustainable materials to improve indoor air quality and enhance occupant comfort and well-being. The assessment process also encourages the provision of amenities such as cycle storage and shower facilities, which can promote active lifestyles and reduce carbon emissions.
  • Compliance with regulations: BREEAM certification can help buildings to comply with environmental regulations and building codes.
  • Enhanced reputation: BREEAM certification is widely recognized and respected by the building industry and the public. Achieving a high BREEAM rating can enhance a building’s reputation and provide a competitive advantage in the marketplace. The certification also demonstrates a commitment to sustainability and corporate social responsibility.
  • Support for the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals: BREEAM aligns with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, which aim to create a more sustainable future for all.

BREEAM Drawbacks

Despite its many achievements, the BREEAM assessment process does have some drawbacks. One of the main criticisms of BREEAM is that it can be time-consuming and expensive to carry out. The assessment process requires detailed data on the building’s environmental performance, which can be difficult to collect and analyse.

This can make the assessment process expensive and time-consuming. One criticism of the assessment process is that it can be overly prescriptive, requiring buildings to meet specific environmental criteria. While this can limit the flexibility of building designers, it also ensures that buildings are meeting recognized standards for sustainability and environmental performance.