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What All You Need to Know About Custom Polyclonal Antibody Production for Your Next Research

Many research studies must produce a custom polyclonal antibody (PA). Although monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) have many advantages, PAs have specific unique properties that make them necessary reagents in several research applications.

In this blog post, we’ll explain everything you should know about custom polyclonal antibody production, including what it is, how it works, and why it’s crucial for research. 

What Is Custom Polyclonal Antibody Production?  

Custom polyclonal antibody (PA) production is the process of generating antibodies that specifically recognize a target protein. These target proteins can be from any source, including: 

  • Viruses 
  • Bacteria 
  • Mammalian cells 

Thanks to advances in genomic sequencing, it’s now possible to sequence the genomes of these organisms and identify the proteins encoded by their genes. Once a target protein is identified, it can be used as an antigen to generate PAs.  

How Does It Work?  

The first step in custom polyclonal antibody production is isolating a protein or peptide of interest from a sample. This step is typically done using a method called chromatography. Once separated, this protein or peptide is used as an immunogen—a substance that can provoke an immune response—to create antibodies.  

The protein or peptide is conjugated to another molecule called a hapten to create the immunogen. The hapten helps increase the immune response by tagging the protein or peptide so the immune system recognizes it as foreign.  

Once conjugated, the immunogen is injected into an animal—usually a rabbit or goat—to stimulate antibody production. Once injected, the animal’s body produces antibodies specific to the immunogen. These antibodies are then harvested from the animal and purified to remove any impurities. Finally, the purified antibodies are ready to be used in research projects. 

Why Is It Important?  

Custom polyclonal antibody production is essential because it allows researchers to create antibodies specific to their needs. This process gives researchers complete control over antibody creation, from choosing the suitable immunogen to selecting the animal best suited for antibody production. Additionally, custom antibody production allows researchers to create large quantities of high-quality antibodies for their studies. 

In short, custom polyclonal antibody production is an important tool for researchers who need complete control over their antibodies. This process gives researchers the ability to create high-quality antibodies that are specific to their needs.

What Are the Advantages of Custom Polyclonal Antibody Production?  

There are many advantages of custom polyclonal antibody production, including:  

Complete Control

Custom polyclonal antibody production gives researchers complete control over antibody creation. This allows researchers to choose the right immunogen and animal for their needs. Additionally, it ensures that the antibodies produced are of the highest quality. 

Large Quantities 

One of the main advantages of custom polyclonal antibody production is that it allows researchers to create high-quality antibodies. This is especially important for researchers who need a lot of antibodies for their studies. In turn, this allows for more reliable and accurate research results. 

Improved Quality 

Another advantage of custom polyclonal antibody production is that it often improves antibody quality. This is because researchers have complete control over antibody creation, from immunogen selection to animal choice. As a result, they can create antibodies that are specifically tailored to their needs.


Custom polyclonal antibody production is flexible and can be tailored to fit each researcher’s needs. This flexibility is essential because it allows researchers to choose suitable immunogens and animals for their needs. Additionally, it ensures that the antibodies produced are of the highest quality. 


Custom polyclonal antibody production is also cost-effective. This allows researchers to create high-quality antibodies without paying for commercial antibody products. Moreover, it saves money and will enable researchers to reinvest that money into their studies.  

In short, custom polyclonal antibody production is a valuable tool for researchers. This process gives researchers complete control over their antibodies, allows them to create large quantities of high-quality antibodies, and is flexible and cost-effective.

How to Order Custom Polyclonal Antibody Production Services? 

If you’re interested in ordering custom polyclonal antibody production services, there are a few things you need to know: 

  • First, you’ll need to choose the right company for your needs: Many companies offer custom polyclonal antibody production services, so it’s essential to do your research and select one that’s right for you. 
  • Provide them with information about your project: This includes the immunogen you want to use, the animal you want to inject, and the number of antibodies you need. Additionally, you’ll need to provide a timeline for your project. Once all this information has been provided, the company can provide a service quote. 
  • Choose the suitable package: Most companies offer different packages for custom polyclonal antibody production services. These packages often differ in price, quality, and turnaround time. As such, choosing the one that’s right for you is essential. 


Following these steps will ensure that you order custom polyclonal antibody production services from the right company and get the best possible results for your project. 


Whether you’re just starting your research career or have been at it for years, understanding custom polyclonal antibody production is essential for success. We hope this information has given you a better understanding of what custom polyclonal antibody production is and how it works. And if you need high-quality antibodies for your studies, remember that Metabolic Molecular Markers is here to help.