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Travel Ideas

The Most Popular Alternatives to Public Transport

Public transport is an essential part of modern people’s lives. Not so long ago industry was the primary source of environmental pollution, but today transport has already replaced it. The greenhouse gas emissions are caused mainly by means of transportation, therefore they are largely responsible for global warming. Thus to save fuel and therefore reduce polluting colleagues from one office instead of driving a personal car each can join and get 8 passenger van rental San Francisco. Thus, an available 8 seater van rental may become a good solution to many problems. So, today all the greatest minds of mankind are trying to take matters to minimize the harmful effects of atmospheric pollution on natural spaces and damage to marine and air ecosystems.


If you want to chase two rabbits at once – to get to your destination and to preserve your health, avoiding gaining weight – walking is a great way to achieve that. There are undeniable advantages of walking;

  • Great benefits for your health;
  • Burning the calories therefore preventing from gaining overweight;
  • Allows exploring and getting to know the local area;
  • The most economical and ecological way to reach your destination;
  • Save your money on fuel or the like.

Walking in fact allows solving numerous tasks – you can walk shopping, walk to the café, restaurant or cinema, walk to your office, if it is not so far etc. Remember, that daily walking is good not only for you, but for the whole planet, as it reduces polluting emissions from cars and other vehicles.


Cycling is no less useful than walking; moreover, it allows the cyclist to cover more kilometers than walking, with fewer efforts, unless, of course, you have to ride up a hill. Bikes are a wonderful green alternative means of transportation. Purchasing a bicycle may become a great solution for improving your physical state and reducing the risk of illness due to the tendency of overeating and passive lifestyle. 

It may sound implausible, but cycling can be even quicker than public transport options. It will be advantageous especially in case you live far from a tube in a big city and is just indispensable for the little town as it gives you the freedom of movement. 

However, being on a bike mind your visibility and safety on the road, try always to have at least a helmet and lights. Reducing traveling by cars and public transport is quite possible. Our everyday trips about the town are usually less than 3 kilometers long and can easily be done by bicycle. Naturally traveling by bike reduces the amount of pollutants and greenhouse gasses.

The bicycle taxi

This mode of transport is connected with everything said above but it is a tendency of the largest cities in the world.  The bicycle taxi is a good alternative to motor vehicles and a solution to many environmental problems. Of course, taxi bikes are relatively slow in comparison with car taxis, but it also eliminates many problems and disadvantages of using the car. However, the bicycle taxi is faster than a car in a traffic jam and causes no pollution.

Car sharing

Though walking and cycling have numerous undeniable advantages, there is still wet and windy weather or plenty of things to be delivered. And after all, they are not for everybody, there are people who can’t get used to these green alternatives. Car sharing is just for that kind of person. It gives the opportunity to rent cars by the minute, hour or day. There may be various options and car models. You can rent an 8 passenger van or other vans for rent in San Francisco. Car sharing provides such options, which make it easier and more flexible to get around the city- you can either pick up and return the vehicle to the same place or use one-way service. 


A good alternative to walking, public transport and riding a bike is carpooling, which also helps to get to a place quickly and comfortably. The concept is pretty simple – find someone having a similar route or destination and travel with them. This is the way to kill two birds with one stone – to cut down your commute expenses and help the environment.

If you live in a suburb, find out if some of your neighbors work near your office – if they do, you can get to work together using one car. Carpooling is possible even if we are talking about different offices, in such cases it will be enough to get together to the closest bus station or a tube. 

The only problem that can arise about carpooling is the necessity to leave earlier, or stay late. Good option for such days will be returning home by train or by bus. Of course, carpooling is not always the easiest and most convenient way of transportation, but it gives many benefits. 

Of course, this is not a complete list of alternatives to public transport, because now there are many more of them. You can also use electric bikes and scooters, river shuttles and electric cars, which also have many benefits – the choice is yours.