The Tech What

The Tech What


The Latest Top 5 Headlines In The News You Need To Know Right Now

Staying up-to-date with the latest news can be a full-time job. With so much happening around the world, it can be hard to know what’s most important and relevant to you. To make sure you’re not missing out, we’ve rounded up the top five headlines from the past week so that you don’t have to spend hours searching for them yourself. From political developments to international crises, this list contains all of the major news stories that you need to know about right now.

COVID-19 Update: New Cases, Total Deaths, Vaccine Distribution

The number of new coronavirus cases continues to rise in the United States. As of Monday, there were more than 25 million confirmed cases of the virus nationwide. The death toll from COVID-19 has also climbed to over 400,000.

There is some good news on the vaccine front. News More than 2 million people have been vaccinated so far, and distribution of the vaccines is ramping up. However, many experts say it will still be months before the majority of Americans are vaccinated.

In the meantime, health officials are urging people to continue to wear masks and practice social distancing. They say these measures are still the best way to prevent the spread of the virus.

Winter Storm Hits Midwest and East Coast, Cancels Flights and Closes Schools

A winter storm is making its way across the Midwest and East Coast, bringing with it heavy snowfall and strong winds. As a result, many flights have been cancelled and schools have been closed. Motorists are being advised to use caution when driving, as road conditions are expected to be treacherous.

FDA Approves First Digital Pill For Depression

The FDA has approved the first digital pill for depression. The pill, which is called Abilify MyCite, is a trackable version of the popular antidepressant Abilify. The pill contains a sensor that tracks when it is taken and sends the information to a mobile app. Patients can use the app to track their medication adherence and share the data with their doctor.

The approval of Abilify MyCite marks a significant milestone in the field of digital health. It is the first time that the FDA has approved a drug with a digital tracking device. This technology has the potential to help patients who struggle with taking their medication as prescribed. In clinical trials, patients who used Abilify MyCite were more likely to take their medication as prescribed than those who did not use the system.

The approval of Abilify MyCite is also notable because it shows that the FDA is willing to approve new digital health technologies.  This is an important step forward for the burgeoning field of digital health.

Trump Promises

Donald Trump promised to “Make America Great Again” during his presidential campaign, and he has been working hard to deliver on that promise since taking office. Here are some of the latest headlines related to Trump’s efforts to improve the United States:

-Trump Announces Plan to Fix Infrastructure Problems
-Trump Vows to Bring Back Jobs from China
-Trump Promises Tax Cuts for Businesses and Families
-Trump Says He Will Make America Safe Again

North Korea Claims It Has Tested A Hydrogen Bomb

North Korea conducted its sixth nuclear test on Sunday, claiming it had successfully detonated a hydrogen bomb that could be loaded onto an intercontinental ballistic missile. The announcement was made hours after a seismic event was detected near the country’s Punggye-ri nuclear site.

If true, this would mark a significant advancement in North Korea’s nuclear capabilities, as previous tests are believed to have involved only atomic bombs. Hydrogen bombs are significantly more powerful, and potentially able to destroy entire cities.

The news has been met with international condemnation, with US President Donald Trump vowing “severe” consequences. It is not yet clear what specific actions Trump may take, but he has previously threatened military action against North Korea if it continued its nuclear program.

The Top 5 Headlines in the News Right Now

The top 5 headlines in the news right now are:

1. North Korea fires another ballistic missile
2. US Navy to investigate cause of deadly collisions
3. Trump administration ends ACA’s cost-sharing payments
4. new report finds Russia meddling in elections worldwide
5. Hurricane Irma bears down on Florida

How to Stay Informed of the Latest News

There are a few key ways that you can stay informed of the latest news. One way is to follow key news sources on social media. This could include following news organizations on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram business. Another way to stay informed of the latest news is to set up Google Alerts for key topics that you want to follow. You can also sign up for newsletters from trusted news sources. Finally, make sure to keep up with the latest headlines by checking in with your favorite news sources regularly.

What You Need to Know about the Headlines Right Now

The headlines right now are packed with stories of tragedy and hope. Here are the latest top headlines you need to know right now:

-A 7.8 magnitude earthquake has struck Nepal, killing over 2,000 people.
-The U.S. is sending $1 million in aid to Nepal.
-A Texas man has been arrested for planning to bomb a Confederate monument.
-A new study finds that being overweight may be linked to an increased risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease.
-Vice President Joe Biden will not run for president in 2016.

How the Headlines Impact You

  • The headlines in the news have a big impact on our lives. They can shape our opinions and beliefs, and they can even affect our emotions. Ice When we see a headline that interests us, we may click on it to read the story. But sometimes, we might just skim over the headline and not bother to read the article. Either way, the headlines in the news have a big impact on us.


Keeping up with the news can be overwhelming – there’s so much information to stay on top of. We hope this article has helped you quickly catch up on some of the most important headlines right now and given you a jumping off point for further research if needed. What stories have caught your eye? Let us know in the comments below!