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The impact of the gig economy on the traditional workforce

The impact of the gig economy on the traditional workforce

The world has undergone a huge change in the past years, with the most being in the working sector. We are moving towards a free market system, and employers are now more into hiring project-based employees rather than going for the long run.

That is how the concept of the gig economy comes into existence. Earlier, it was only the musicians and the performers using the same to focus on the type of service they provided. Essay help online But now we have freelancers, project-based workers, contractors and temporary hires on the same page.

Taking advantage of the digital presence, we have various gig-based apps for freelancers and free-flowing service providers to signup. These people mostly love working remotely and have terms and conditions for the employer to abide by.

Here in this write-up, you will get a detailed overview of the concept of the gig economy and how it impacts the traditional workforce.

The gig economy – Overview

The gig economy comprises multiple companies, consumers and workers, which are the following:

  • Freelancers who charge per task
  • Independent contractors who seek payment on a contract basis
  • Project-based gig performers
  • Temporary hires who get hired for a specific time period
  • Part-time hires who work on an hourly basis.

Common jobs in the gig economy:

  • Finance and Accounting
  • Design and art
  • Construction
  • Administration
  • Project management
  • Transportation
  • Freelance writing
  • Software development
  • Information technology
  • Education

The perks of the gig economy

  • The worker: The gig economy initiates a perfect work-life balance. Here the workers can choose their working hours, pay and schedule. Because they are not part of any full-time job, there are no obligations to take care of or unnecessary commitments to fulfil. Essay writing help What matters the most is the quality of the task and the service providers being on time.
  • The consumer: The consumers or the payers can choose from a wide variety of gig models on the internet. They can also search through the samples provided and go for the ones offering top-notch tasks at affordable prices. As the business is online, consumers are now able to o international and take help from people offering adequate assistance from the other side of the globe.
  • The business: With the gig economy and business, a lot of resources and money gets saved. The employers are no longer liable to offer health insurance, sick leave or paid leave to the service provider and can bring huge chunks of work completed within a short period. Because the entire thing is contractual, running on a fixed-period basis.

How is the gig economy affecting the traditional workforce?

Here is how the gig economy affects the traditional workforce:

  • A sudden shift in working surrounding: The traditional workforce was all into being attached to an organisation and working from the office. Now with the gig economy, it is all about remote jobs and having your setup to continue the tasks.
  • Huge opportunities: One can go international without leaving their home’s comfort. All you need is a personal computer and a stable internet connection to start providing service.
  • Rise of the diverse and exclusive workforce: There is no more a scheduled hierarchy in the workforce, and people get opportunities based on their merit. The more skilled a person is, the better is their ability to bag a job of relevance. Also, one can go online with their working abilities and start providing customised support.
  • Remote jobs are in trend: Because everything is on the internet, working from home has become a common affair. While traditionally, the workforce had to travel long distances and spend unnecessary amounts, now they can make good use of the same.
  • Introduction of new work models: In offline jobs, a few scheduled positions and the workforce used to abide by the same. Now, with things getting online and the rise of the gig economy, we are moving towards a diversified work model with no clear hierarchies. The difference between seniors and juniors is not that vivid, and one can reach out to the above without hesitation.
  • The decline of the pre-existing biases in work:It is all about cohesiveness and elimination of bias in the workspace. Discrimination based on caste, creed, language and ethnicity is no more a thing. Can you do my homework for me There are multiple work-specific guidelines and regulations for the employees to follow.

Final Thoughts

So that is all the gig economy making an impression on the traditional workforce. As a part of the same, you need to be careful with the type of service you intend to provide and make sure they are always on time.

Author Bio: Alley John lives in Manchester, the UK, and has joined as a subject matter expert. He is also known for writing on social problems and the modern workforce.