The Tech What

The Tech What


Search Engine Optimization: The Strategies that can Make or Break Your Website!

Search engine optimization or SEO is the all-important strategy that can either make or break the fate of your website. We all know search engine optimization is about using keywords and key phrases that are commonly used for tracking down products and services. A great search engine optimization strategy ensures handsome rankings on the Search Engine Rankings Page and also improves CRT or Click Through Rates. All you need is a specialist service provider for SEO near me for getting your act together. 

Keywords and More 

SEO is about keywords. Earlier, simply stuffing your website content with keywords was your best bet against search engine antiques. The more keywords, the greater would be the likelihood of Google finding you easily. However, times have changed now. With altered algorithms in tow, Google considered keyword stuffing as spam.

So, if you post meaningless low-quality content that contains too many keywords, your website will be considered a “spammy” link and penalized by Google. Therefore, Keywords today need to be used judiciously, and high-quality content is considered to be king! Not only is the frequency of keywords but also the placement is considered extremely important. 

So, where should you place these keywords? Content creators often make the mistake of taking too long to come to the point! They spend paragraphs and paragraphs introducing the topic. Holding the attention of readers for that long is extremely difficult in today’s times. Ideally, you should have a title and a meta description, which is something like an introduction to the content you have showcased on the website. The keyword must be included once in both. You must also follow it up by introducing the keyword within the first 100 words of the text. 

You should ask your Long Island web design company to collaborate with content specialists who excel in providing SEO-friendly content. 

Pogo sticking

Pogo-sticking majorly affects the rankings of a website. What is pogo-sticking? Pogo-sticking occurs when a web surfer clicks on your link from among the search results on the SERP, visits your website, does not find what he wants, goes back to the ranking page, and clicks on another link in search of the same information, and then continues to stay on that web-page because he has found what he has been looking for! 

This sends a signal to Google that your website is not good enough. Not only has it not been able to hold the interest of the reader it has also not provided him with the required information that he needs! This deteriorates the ranking of the page. To be able to hold the attention of the reader for longer and also provide him with the information he needs, you need to organize the content in bullet points. 

Using images and graphs is another good way to keep reader interest high! Verbose, wordy texts should be essentially avoided. 

Choose a service provider for SEO in Staten Island, NY, who can help you with strategies that work!