The Tech What

The Tech What

refurbished mobile phone

Misconceptions of Buying a Refurbished Mobile Phone in Pakistan

Many people living in Pakistan never even heard of the term called “refurbished mobile phones.” However, this doesn’t mean that they’re completely unaware of the concept. Many of you might be familiar with the term called second-hand or used mobile phone. A refurbished phone is basically a used phone, but the main difference is that it has been restored to its original health. Hence, we’re also quite familiar with the stigma surrounding refurbished and used mobiles.

Many of the people who plan to buy a flagship phone in used condition, like a used iPhone 13 Pro Max, have several doubts that naturally come with a used phone. Some of those rumors are created because of the experience we had as an individual or some misunderstanding about the phone. That’s why today, I’m going over a few of the misconceptions that come with the refurbished phone. Therefore, here are the topics that we’ll go over in this article.

  • 3 misconceptions of a refurbished mobile phone
  • Should you buy one in Pakistan

With that said, let’s discuss all of the misconceptions about a refurbished phone that you need to clear up before planning to buy one.

3 Misconceptions of a Refurbished Mobile Phone

Before we start, I want to make myself clear first. The things about a refurbished mobile phone that I’m going to discuss are all nothing but misconceptions. Some of them might come true in a few cases, but those are few and far between. If you’re approaching a trusted smartphone vendor like Wise Market, then you can rest assured that the phone you’re gonna get is a phone which works and looks like a brand-new one.

To give you a bit more peace of mind, the phone that I’m using is a refurbished iPhone 12 Pro that I got from Wise Market PK. I’ll go in full depth in the end, but before that, you should know that it’s basically a new phone with a much lower price tag. 

So, with that said, here are the misconceptions that most of us (including me at one point😂) believed in.

Refurbished Phones Are Completely Unreliable (False)

The very first misconception that I want to clear up is the fact that a refurbished mobile phone is completely unreliable. In normal cases, a refurbished phone is something that has minor issues which have been returned to the manufacturer during a warranty. The manufacturer then fixes the issue and resells the phone at a lower price.

There are no hardware or software issues that are only related to a refurbished mobile. However, there is the issue of you approaching a shady smartphone vendor who will rip you off in a matter of minutes. That’s why if you’re buying a refurbished smartphone, make sure to approach a trusted smartphone vendor.

A Refurbished Phone Has Very Old Tech (False)

If you’re planning to buy a refurbished mobile phone and someone says that they don’t buy it, the phone has the very old tech, they’re not really telling the truth. Actually, what might’ve happened with this misconception is that someone might’ve gotten a very old refurbished mobile and then complained about it.

The fact of how old the tech you get is solely dependent on how old the device you get. What I mean by that is you can either get a refurbished iPhone that was only released a year back or one that was released 7 years back. There is a clear-cut difference between both them.

I can even say that “I bought a new phone that was released 5 years back. Why didn’t I get the latest tech?”

Refurbished Phones Don’t Get Software Updates (Not Completely False)

Now, this is a unique situation because there have been instances where people have bought refurbished mobile phones in Pakistan and never received a software update. What actually happened was that the phone that someone bought would’ve stopped receiving updates from the manufacturer after a specific period of time.

If you’re planning to buy a refurbished or used iPhone, then according to Apple’s regulations, the phone will receive software updates for 6 years after the day of its release. Let’s say that you buy a refurbished iPhone 7. Do you expect to get iOS 16 updates on it? 

As I said before, I’m using a refurbished iPhone 12 Pro, and the iOS that I got it with was iOS 14, but since it still comes under that 6-year time limit, I was able to update it to iOS 16.

Should You Buy One in Pakistan

Now, this might have cleared up some of the misconceptions that you already had about a refurbished or used mobile phone. The next question that you might’ve had in your mind is, “Should I buy a refurbished phone in Pakistan?”

This is a bit of a tricky question to answer because there are a number of factors that you need to look out for before buying a used mobile. I’ve been buying pre-owned devices for quite a while now, and in the beginning, I got scammed (a lot). These are some of the questions to ask yourself.

  • What is the price of the phone
  • How old is the phone
  • Is it according to your needs and requirements
  • What’s the condition of the phone
  • Will the phone support software update for the foreseeable future
  • How worn out the battery is
  • Is the smartphone vendor reliable

Once you’ve gone through all of these questions and all the answers are satisfactory, only then should you go for a used or a refurbished phone. Luckily, I can help you with one of them, which is a trusted smartphone vendor question. 

I recommend that you check out WiseMarket, which has not only some of the best smart devices but also some of the best prices. They have tons of amazing accessories and devices, so don’t sleep at Wise Market Pakistan because there’s something for everybody.

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