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The Tech What

Health Tips

Are you often pondering over this thought, experiencing a feeling of a lump stuck in your throat and having innumerable sleepless nights? Well, you’re not alone feeling such mixed emotions. Today, most students around the world have become victims of depression, anxiety and panic disorders. Around 80% of students are observed to being excessively burnt out and mentally stressed due to the mixed routines followed during the lockdown.  get health tips for better life.

However, don’t let these numbers put an impact on you. Like Albus Dumbledore said, “Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times when one only remembers to turn on the light.” Similarly, you can find your light and care for your mental well-being. 

To that end, read on this comprehensive post to get your hands on a few effective assignment help health tips that will enable you to find your mental peace with ease –

1. Keep a journal: 

In daily life, most students are preoccupied with others’ commitments that hardly make them keep aside any time for themselves. But life doesn’t revolve around fulfilling others’ duties. Thus, you must take a step back and reconnect with yourself. 

Journaling can help you with that. Here, you can practice the habit of jotting down your thoughts and feelings at the end of the day for clarity. Moreover, you can organise your thoughts and be sensible about your emotions. This encourages you to confront yourself and deal with any situation. 

Now how can you journal? Simple! You must set aside 15 minutes every day to evaluate your feelings. You can write about your day or maintain a gratitude journal to note down at least one person or event you’re grateful for. 

2. Engage yourself with physical activities: 

In any situation, your physical health greatly impacts your mental health. Students or daily workers often face crises and pressure that becomes easy to neglect your physical health. 

However, ignoring your physical health can worsen your mental health. You will become physically weak if you rely on other addictive ailments such as smoking, alcohol and drugs. 

Instead, exercise both physically and mentally. Devote yourself to full-course exercises and health training. Additionally, you must follow a proper sleep schedule and avoid screenings before bedtime. That way, you can maintain a healthy routine and focus on improving your well-being. 

3. Join social clubs and groups: 

Many therapists and experts recommend students to join groups and clubs related to major interests and hobbies. This is because these social groups can help students to widen their area of learning and expand their network. 

Moreover, many students can join internships to learn skills and develop their work experiences. 

Such ways can make an individual feel less lonely and give a purpose to get better at work. 

Not only this, but you can also bring clarity about your career and take the necessary strides to improve your job.  

4. Seek closure from your friends and family: 

It is impossible for anyone to survive alone without connecting with friends or socialising. Everyone around you faces a busy schedule that often makes you lose touch or communicate. 

In such cases, you feel isolated and find fewer people around you. That’s when you stretch your hands to talk with your close ones to lessen such negative feelings. 

With your friends and family, you can open up and share the feelings that you’ve been going through. Moreover, your friends and family can encourage you to bring out your best versions. If needed, you can go out on trips, participate in activities to bond, and have a good time. 

Such breaks will inspire you to study and nourish your closure among your friends. 

5. Take a social media detox: 

Another important task other college students must do is take a social media detox once in a while. A research found that aggressive use of social media platforms has increased depression and anxiety symptoms. 

Though social media has brought its connectivity perks, excessive use can lead to loneliness, depression and anxiety. Students often fall into the comparison trap where they compare themselves with others and consider that their lives are not fun or “Instagrammable” like other peers. However, it not ends here! Today, information on social media also tends to overwhelm other people. 

That’s why it is suggested to deactivate your social accounts temporarily unless you have any small business or blog pages for daily posting. You can also filter out connections and tags that you’ve been following. That way, you can cleanse your social media profiles and take necessary breaks to maintain a healthy community. 

6. Meditate and seek some expert’s help: 

This is another important task you must follow for your mental sanity. Most experts suggest meditating as an activity helps an individual to reflect and be mindful. Meditation can help you reduce your stress and anxiety with inner and spiritual healing. 

When you spend a few minutes every day meditating and accepting the thoughts that come to your mind, you’re likely to get added clarity and more power to deal with stressful situations. 

Another way you can seek help for your mental health is through therapy. Both children and adults should understand that there is no harm in receiving treatment for mental health as it is equally important to physical health. 

Keeping the stigma aside, you can connect with different psychologists and therapists for treatment. Also, there are affordable treatment options that will help you to seek mental treatment. 

Parting thoughts,

In today’s age, mental illness should be equally important as physical ones. This is because many people are affected mentally due to excessive academic pressure and other factors. Moreover, life as a college student isn’t easy as you don’t know what will happen in the coming times. And things have escalated due to the pandemic, unemployment and multiple hindrances. So, it is high time to feed your mind with positive thoughts and surround yourself with positive people. With these above-mentioned tips, you can concentrate on your academic life and keep checking your well-being. Good luck!

Author Bio: 

Anne Gill is a psychology researcher in the UK. She’s associated with and provides nursing assignment help uk to different students. In her free time, she loves to play badminton and travel.