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Luive: The Social Media Site That Lets You Earn Money From Your Content

Luive is a social media website that allows you to earn money from your content. You can create and share content and earn money from advertisements or purchase products. The website also has an affiliate program that allows you to earn commission on sales made by your readers.

How Luive Works

Luive is a social media website that lets you earn money from your content. You can post articles, videos, or photos and then share them on the site to generate income. There are several ways to earn money with Luive, including earning ad revenue through content, selling products or services related to your posts, and earning points for sharing content.

How to Use Luive

To start using Luive, first sign up for an account at Luive.

luive register

Once you have an account, you can create a profile by filling out your name, email address, and password. You will then need to choose a content type and start writing! You can post articles, videos, or photos on the site and then share them with your followers to earn money. It can also sell products or services related to your posts and earn money from those sales. Finally, you can earn points for sharing content on the site and use those points to redeem rewards such as free products or cash vouchers.

Benefits of Using Luive

Luive is a social media site that lets you earn money from your content. You can start by uploading your existing blog content and choosing one of the options to become a Luive publisher. Once registered, you can start promoting your content through the Luive platform and earn money based on how many people view it. There are various ways to monetize your content through Luive, including selling advertising space, collecting a commission on sales generated through links embedded in your posts, and earning referral rewards.

What’s great about Luive is that you don’t need any prior experience to make money from your content. You can upload your latest post, choose a monetization option, and get started! Plus, there are no hidden fees or commissions, so you know exactly what you earn every time someone clicks through to view your content. If you have an existing blog audience interested in learning more about Luive and its platform, check it out!

Create and Share Content

Luive is a social media site that lets you earn money from your content. You can create and share content with other Luive users, and if people like what you say, they can pay you to promote your content.

The sign-up process for Luive is simple: First, create an account. Then, post some original content. Once your content has been published, click the “Earn Money” tab at the top of the page. You’ll be able to see how much money your content has earned so far and how much more it could earn if people decide to pay for it.

A few rules to follow when posting on Luive: Your posts must be original (you can’t repost other people’s articles) and about something relevant to the community. The more authentic your posts are, the better your chance of earning money from them.
If you’re interested in promoting your content on Luive, sign up for the free trial first. You’ll have the opportunity to post some content and see how it stacks up against the standards set by the site.

Earn Money from Ads

Luive is a social media site that lets you earn money from your content. You can create a profile and add content you think people would be interested in. Then, you can submit your content to the site for review. If the site thinks your content is good enough, it will put it on its front page and start charging people to view it.

There are two ways that you can make money from Luive. The first way is by generating traffic to your profile and articles. The second way is by selling ad space on your profile and articles. There are also a few other ways to make money, but these are the main two methods.

The first way to make money is by generating traffic to your profile and articles. When someone views your content, they may click through links to other sites or buy products from merchants on the Luve marketplace. You’ll receive ad revenue generated by those clicks and purchases.

The second way to make money from Luive is by selling ad space on your profile and articles. When someone views an ad on your profile or article, you will earn a commission based on how much revenue the ad generates. This commission is not applicable if you sell ad space on stories shared illegally or without permission from the copyright holder (for example, stories about copyrighted music or videos).


If you enjoy writing and sharing your thoughts online, Luive might be your social media site. Through this platform, users can share their content and earn money. Whether you are a writer looking to make some extra cash or an entrepreneur who wants to test the water with new ideas, Luive could be just what you’re looking for. Sign up today and start sharing your content!

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