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Long-Distance Love: Tips for Making It Work


Long-distance relationships are tough. You need to put a lot of effort into making sure your partner feels loved and supported, as well as ensuring that you are able to stay connected when it’s impossible for you both to be together in person. But if you can manage those things successfully, then long-distance love can work! Here are some tips for making yours work:

Think about the time you spend together.

The most precious thing in a relationship is time. You need to make the most of the time you have together, but also be realistic about how much time you can spend together.

If one person wants to travel more and another doesn’t, that’s going to cause problems. If one person wants children and another doesn’t, again, problems are bound to arise. And if both people want children but only one can afford them…well now we’re getting into some serious issues!

Face your fears.

It’s not always easy to face our fears, but it’s crucial for long-distance love.

You may be afraid that your partner won’t make it through this trial, or that your relationship won’t weather the distance. These are valid concerns–but if you let them hold you back from making things work, then you’re doing yourself and your partner a disservice by not giving them a chance. Click for Romantic Good Morning Poems to Make Her Cry Tears.

If they love you and want to be with you as much as possible (which they should), then they’ll find ways around any obstacles in their way–and if they don’t make an effort to do so? Well then maybe they aren’t really worth fighting for anyway!

Make sure you trust each other.

Trust is a big part of any relationship, but it’s especially important when you’re in a long-distance one. You need to trust your partner not to cheat on you or lie about who they’ve been with. You also need to know that your partner will be there for you when times get tough and won’t hurt you intentionally–or even accidentally.

Trust does take time: it doesn’t happen overnight; it grows over time as both partners prove themselves worthy of being trusted time and again by doing what they said they would do (and nothing else). If someone has lied in the past or broken promises repeatedly, then there’s no way that person can be trusted now–or ever again! Trust is a two-way street: if one person doesn’t keep their word then neither one does anything until trust has been rebuilt between them both equally

Talk about your feelings.

Talking is important in a relationship. You need to be able to talk about your feelings, your thoughts and your past. If you can’t do that with each other, then you’re going to have a hard time making it work long distance.

You should also make sure that both parties are comfortable talking about their future together as well as their pasts. That way there won’t be any surprises when one person finds out something about the other that they didn’t know before (and vice versa).

Don’t forget to have fun!

You and your long-distance partner may be going through a lot, but don’t forget to have fun. Laughing together will help you stay connected and keep things light when things get tough.

  • Have a sense of humor: You’ll need it! When you’re apart, try to make the most of every moment spent together–even if it means doing silly things like sending each other videos of people falling down or looking at pictures on Instagram with funny captions (like this one). Or if you’re feeling particularly creative, try making up an original song about how much you miss each other. It doesn’t have to be good; just having fun is what matters most!
  • Do something fun together: Spending time doing activities that interest both of you can help strengthen your bond as well as provide opportunities for conversation away from technology or other distractions that might interfere with connecting emotionally. This could include anything from watching movies together online while chatting via video chat app FaceTime (which works over Wi-Fi) all night long until sunrise comes around again tomorrow morning at sunrise – which won’t happen until November 22nd here in New England anyway -to attending concerts together face-to-face instead

Long-distance relationships can work if you are willing to put in the effort, but they are challenging and require a lot of effort and communication if they are going to get anywhere

Long-distance relationships are challenging, but they can work if you are willing to put in the effort. Communication is key: You need to be able to talk about your feelings and what you want out of the relationship. Trust is also important; if you don’t trust your partner, then there’s no point in being with them at all!

In addition to communication and trust, understanding each other’s feelings is vital. If one person feels something differently than another person does–for example, one person wants more physical contact while another prefers less–it can cause problems down the line if these feelings aren’t expressed early enough or at all before making any decisions about whether or not this long distance thing works for both parties involved.

Finally (and perhaps most importantly), having fun together will help keep things interesting when things get tough–which they inevitably will at some point during such an arduous undertaking as maintaining a romantic relationship over several thousand miles apart from each other


Long-distance love can be a wonderful thing, but it’s not for everyone. If you’re not sure if your relationship is worth the effort, take some time to think about what kind of future you want together and how much effort it will take for both of you to make that happen. If you still feel uncertain after doing this exercise, then maybe it’s best just leave things as they are and stay friends rather than trying something new!