The Tech What

The Tech What


How to be successful in online dating

It has been observed that the number of users of dating sites increases over time. Most of them just don’t have time to go out and party. There are those who are shy, but the majority are people who are tired of failing in their office colleague or with the guys they meet in clubs, etc. For this, you need some tips to succeed in seducing someone on the internet.

Choose the right platform

Currently, there are several dating sites. There are those that are effective and others that are not, depending on your search criteria. And the majority of these sites ask for free registration, but, however, their offers are limited.

Before choosing a platform, you must detect the criteria that suit your objective and especially your geographical location. It’s not worth choosing a site where the majority of members are under 30 when you are in your 50s. Or, choose a platform that is in Asia while you are in South America, etc.

It is also necessary to check the number of people registered on the platform as well as the percentage of men and women. Normally, a site must contain 55% men and 45% women to be acceptable.

Finally, you must know if a site is generalist or specialized and select one according to your needs. You should avoid wasting your time registering on all the sites you come across. Opting for one or two best platforms is enough.

Write your profile well

The second step is to properly complete your profile. Take care to fill in all the necessary information (gender, age, country, city, etc.) so that the site can suggest the best candidates.

Your information should be brief but clear. There is no need to put information that does not agree with your search criteria, otherwise, you will have a long list of suggestions. You can just choose 3 or 4 pieces of information that can best describe you (lifestyle, hobby, type of friends, etc.).

The most important information is the photo. You can even select multiple photos taken in different situations. They just have to be natural to avoid disappointment.

Take care of your way of speaking and your way of talking

You were able to select the right platform and you already have a suitor you like Take action. The last step, but which seems to be the most important, is the discussion. Be honest and be yourself when talking with a man if you want to attract him and build a serious relationship. Avoid talking about things that don’t interest you or that you don’t do. You have to show who you really are. You can then expand your means of discussion. Use the phone, email or meet in person.

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