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How Much Do Ghostwriters Really Make?

As professional ghostbook writers, you may be wondering what the average rate for ghostwriting is. You want to know if you’re charging too much or too little and if there is anything you can do to improve your earnings. In this article, we will explore the topic of ghostwriting rates and provide you with valuable insights and data to help you make more informed decisions.

What is Ghostwriting?

Before we dive into the topic of rates, it’s important to understand what ghostwriting is. Ghostwriting is the practice of writing a book, article, or another piece of content on behalf of someone else. The ghostwriter is not credited as the author of the work, and their role is to help the client bring their ideas and vision to life.

Ghostwriters work with a variety of clients, including celebrities, politicians, business leaders, and individuals who want to write a book but lack the time or writing skills to do so. Ghostwriting can be a lucrative and rewarding career for those with strong writing skills and the ability to work closely with clients to deliver high-quality content.

How Much Do Ghostwriters Make?

The amount that ghostwriters can make varies widely depending on a variety of factors, including their experience, the type of content they write, and the scope of the project. Some ghostwriters charge a flat fee for their services, while others charge an hourly rate or a percentage of the book’s profits.

According to a recent survey of over 200 ghostwriters, the average rate for ghostwriting a book is $10,000 to $50,000. However, rates can vary widely depending on the project’s complexity, the length of the book, and the ghostwriter’s level of experience.

It’s important to note that ghostwriting rates also depend on the industry in which you work. For example, ghostwriting for the entertainment industry can be more lucrative than writing for the publishing industry.

Factors that Affect Ghostwriting Rates

There are several factors that can impact the rate a ghostwriter can charge. These include:

  • Experience: Experienced ghostwriters can command higher rates than those who are just starting out.
  • Book Length: The longer the book, the more time and effort it will take to write, which can impact the ghostwriter’s rate.
  • Complexity: Some books may require extensive research, interviews, or other specialized knowledge, which can impact the ghostwriter’s rate.
  • Industry: Ghostwriting for certain industries, such as the entertainment industry, can be more lucrative than others.

How to Determine Your Ghostwriting Rate

If you’re a ghostwriter, determining your rate can be challenging. You want to ensure that you’re charging enough to make a living, but you also don’t want to price yourself out of the market. Here are some tips for determining your ghostwriting rate:

  • Research the market: Look at what other ghostwriters are charging for similar projects to get a sense of the going rate.
  • Consider your experience: If you’re just starting out, you may need to charge a lower rate to build your portfolio. However, as you gain more experience and build your reputation, you can increase your rates.
  • Determine your hourly rate: Calculate how many hours you think the project will take, and then multiply that by your desired hourly rate.
  • Be flexible: Consider offering different pricing options, such as a flat fee or a percentage of the book’s profits, to meet the needs of different clients.


Hiring a writer for biography can be a lucrative and rewarding career for those with strong writing skills and the ability to work closely with clients to deliver high-quality content. Rates for ghostwriting can vary widely depending on a variety of factors, including experience, book-length, and complexity. To determine your ghostwriting rate, it