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Acupuncture Singapore

Hormone Imbalance Acupuncture

The mechanics of Acupuncture Singapore may be distilled from several scientific research as helping the body to promote blood flow, reduce inflammation, relieve pain, and restore homeostasis, as I described in one of my previous blog posts on How Traditional Chinese Medicine works scientifically. This is due to the fact that acupuncture stimulates the body’s meridians, which are blood-transport routes. As inflammation, pain, and imbalance are present in the vast majority of ailments, if not all of them, acupuncture is often beneficial for healing through these three channels.

Using the hypothalamus-pituitary axis to achieve balance

The hypothalamus-pituitary axis (HPA), the brain’s principal regulator of hormone production, is affected by acupuncture. This is how acupuncture specifically affects hormone homeostasis, and it is how acupuncture produces its effects. Beta-endorphins can be produced by stimulating the HPA axis. This aids in lowering pain, relaxing the nervous system, regulating other mood-boosting hormones like those that up serotonin levels and lower stress hormones like cortisol, promoting digestion, sleep, and cognitive function, and easing anxiety and depressive symptoms.

Using the neuroendocrine-immune network to achieve balance

The body’s processes can be coordinated and regulated under the primary control of the central nervous system thanks to the integration of the immunological and neuroendocrine networks. The ability of the body to adaptably react to the stimulation of both the internal and external environment is necessary for the body to maintain its steady state. The neuro-endocrine-immune network, which consists of a common group of chemical information molecules and receptors shared by the neurological system, the endocrine system, and the immunological system, is thought to be the mechanism through which acupuncture regulates the body’s function.

Acupuncture works in a variety of ways

To restore balance to the body by stimulating the neuroendocrine system. The control of hormone, neurotransmitter, and neuropeptide release is one of these systems. By influencing the neuroendocrine system, acupuncture can also have a secondary impact on the immune system. This entails the specific integration of neuroendocrine system-released chemicals that act on the appropriate receptors on immune organs and immune cells.

Acupuncture regulates the release of relevant chemicals in the microenvironment, activates the neuro-endocrine-immune system, and acts as an effective physical stimulus to stimulate local cell functions and neuroreceptors. This is another another method through which the neuro-endocrine-immune network is balanced by acupuncture.


Many studies, like as the one for hormone balance, have shown that acupuncture is a successful treatment for a variety of ailments, including ones that have been determined to be incurable. It has been established that the method by which Best Acupuncture Singapore ultimately achieves the goal of restoring hormonal harmony—namely, by exerting a regulating effect on certain key mediators of the numerous hormone-related systems—is accountable, despite the fact that the processes by which acupuncture achieves this result are diverse and numerous. Unlike to hormone replacement therapy utilising synthetic hormones, acupuncture treatment has no side effects. This is incredibly important knowledge since, in contrast to other therapies; acupuncture restores hormone imbalance rather than creating more suppression or gradually escalating the illness.