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Canadian Birth Certificate | Birth Certificate Authentication Canada
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Canadian Birth Certificate: Authenticate for Use Outside Canada

A Canadian birth certificate is an official document issued by the provincial or territorial government in which an individual was born. It is a legal document that can be used for various purposes, such as obtaining a passport, enrolling in school, getting a driver’s license, and more.

However, if you are planning to use your Canadian birth certificate outside of Canada, you may need to have it authenticated. Authenticating a document means verifying its validity and ensuring that it meets the legal requirements of the country where it will be used. In this article, we will discuss the process of authenticating a Canadian birth certificate for use outside Canada.

Birth Certificate Authentication in Canada

The process of authenticate a document for use outside Canada involves several steps. The first step is to obtain a certified copy of the birth certificate from the provincial or territorial government where the individual was born. The certified copy should be a long-form birth certificate that includes all the details of the individual’s birth.

Once you have obtained the certified copy of the birth certificate, the next step is to have it authenticated by the Authentication and Service of Documents Section of Global Affairs Canada. This section is responsible for authenticating Canadian documents for use outside Canada.

To authenticate a Canadian birth certificate, you will need to submit the following documents to the Authentication and Service of Documents Section:

  1. The original or certified copy of the birth certificate
  2. A completed Authentication Request Form
  3. The authentication fee

The authentication fee for a Canadian birth certificate is currently $75.00 CAD per document. The fee can be paid by credit card, debit card, or money order.

Once your documents and payment have been received, the Authentication and Service of Documents Section will review your application and authenticate your birth certificate if it meets the legal requirements. The authentication process can take up to 20 business days, so it is essential to plan accordingly.

Apostille Birth Certificate

If you need to use your Canadian apostille birth certificate in a country that is a member of the Hague Convention Abolishing the Requirement for Legalization for Foreign Public Documents (also known as the Apostille Convention), you may not need to have it authenticated. Instead, you can obtain an apostille on your birth certificate.

An apostille is a special type of certification that is used to authenticate documents for use in countries that are members of the Apostille Convention. It is a simplified form of authentication that eliminates the need for additional legalization by a foreign embassy or consulate.

To obtain an apostille on your Canadian birth certificate authentication canada, you will need to follow a similar process to the one described above for authentication. However, instead of submitting your documents to the Authentication and Service of Documents Section of Global Affairs Canada, you will need to submit them to the appropriate provincial or territorial authority that issued the birth certificate. They will then verify the document and attach the apostille.

How to Certify Birth Certificate for Foreign Use

If you need to use your Canadian birth certificate in a country that is not a member of the Apostille Convention, you will need to have it certified for foreign use. The certification process involves obtaining an authentication from the Authentication and Service of Documents Section of Global Affairs Canada and then having it legalized by the embassy or consulate of the country where you will be using the document.

To certify a Canadian birth certificate for foreign use, you will need to follow these steps:

  1. Obtain a certified copy of your birth certificate from the provincial or territorial government where you were born.
  2. Complete the Authentication Request Form and submit it along with the original or certified