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8 Best Digital Marketing Strategies That Every start-up Should Follow

8 Best Digital Marketing Strategies That Every start-up Should Follow

Marketing is the basic function of any business. However, we can accept that marketing is changing rapidly. Especially in the last few years, we have seen marketing evolve more than in the last few decades. Digitisation has certainly been the catalyst behind this rapid evolution. Digital marketing has been the go-to weapon in the last few years for all marketers. make my assignment But all the arrows in the quiver don’t hit the bullseye. We can find several strategies that changed the course of businesses, while some resulted in being complete duds.

Here I am going to share the eight best digital marketing strategies that every start-up should implement –

  1. Affiliate Marketing

We are all well familiar with influencer marketing with a prominence of Facebook videos and Instagram Reels. We can consider affiliate marketing as a sibling of the same. Like influencer marketing, it also depends on influencing people to generate sales. This is why many marketers integrate affiliate marketing with influencers for maximum impact.

The best part of affiliate marketing is that you can relax while others will do the hard work for you. Although this is an oversimplification of things, the main concept remains the same. You pay the marketer, and they hire someone to promote your brand, thus bringing in sales. However, if you want to get involved in the entire process (like I do), recruiting affiliates for your brand should be the first step. You can hire them as a salaried sales force or ask them to work purely on commissions.

Browse the web to find some affiliate recruitment software. These online tools can automate a large part of your work by finding and recruiting relevant affiliates. You can also use these tools to track your sales figures. Moreover, you can create customized links that you can link with your social media handles, and direct potential leads to make purchases.

  1. Email Marketing

Despite what marketing gurus tell you, email is still one of the most cost-effective and efficient ways to reach people. Especially in the business world, emails are widely used as they promise a handsome ROI to business owners. A recent survey showed that email marketing has the potential to give up to 122% ROI to marketers.

To Put things into perspective, this number is four times the value of other traditional marketing channels like social media marketing, paid search and direct mail. Although email marketing is highly effective, there are certain cons that deter many start-ups from implementing this form of marketing. So, only some of the most reputed brands stick to email marketing.

  1. Social Media Marketing

Social media is a major marketing tool nowadays. With almost all of us hooked on to smartphones, we spend a large section of our daily schedule browsing Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. As per reports, approximately 85% of marketers confirm that social media plays a large role in boosting their business. dissertation help Social media campaigns generate more exposure to the brands, drawing more customers at low rates.

These are some of the major benefits of social media marketing –

  • Increases traffic and exposure
  • Marketing through social media promotes customer loyalty
  • Boosts Sales
  • Generates more leads by improving search ranking
  • Pioneering new ideas

Creating regular and consistent content for your social media platform improves your reach and establishes you as a leader in social media marketing. You can also take the help of social media tools to create posts that resonate with the target crowd and avoid any marketing mistakes on social media.

  1. Pay-Per-Click Marketing / Google AdWords

A very powerful method of advertising is the pay-per-click method. The PPC method is an extremely efficient way to bring internet users to your website and generate hot leads. Let me show you how pay-per-click marketing works –


When I searched “Camera rental in the UK”, the PPC method suggested these sites redirect me to them. As a start-up, this is why you should never overlook pay-per-click marketing –

  • Reaching prospective customers is easier with the right ads at the right times.
  • You can control how much you want to invest.
  • Return on investment is higher since you pay only when someone clicks the link.
  • Instant results
  • You get insights and data to decide future marketing strategies.

However, be wary of the PPC campaigns since they can exhaust your budget quickly if not properly monitored. It is better to hire a professional who can ensure conversion rather than just clicks.

  1. SEO Optimisation

You have a website that is immaculately designed, has excellent features and is user-friendly. But you are gravely wrong if you feel that is enough to draw traffic. If you search online, you can find hundreds of “pretty” websites that operate in the same niche as yours. So, what can elevate your site over the others? The answer is search engine optimisation.

SEO optimisation makes a website trustworthy and helps to boost traffic. The website will rank higher in the search results if you use more SEO-friendly words. When the search results show your brand name over others, it creates a better impression in the mind of potential customers. So, SEO optimisation is a must have for every ambitious start-up.

  1. Influencer Marketing

Influencers are creating waves across social media. Some may call them a menace, while some brands swear by them, but none can deny their impact in making a product visible. Many start-ups believe that influencer marketing is a thing of the future and is convinced about its effectiveness. Another reason why influencers are gaining popularity is because of their prices. They can act as the “brand ambassadors” for a brand or a product and creates various content to promote them to their followers. Usually, hiring a good influencer can help your products reach over 50,000 people by spending significantly lesser than traditional advertisements.

I have found these reasons to be the major factors why start-ups prefer influencer marketing –

  • Lesser price tags
  • Customers getting immune to conventional advertisements
  • It is easier to implement
  • It gives a word-of-mouth perspective, making it more believable
  • Better engagement with customers

So, if your start-up does not have the monetary stability to hire a celebrity to endorse the brand, opting for influencer marketing can be your next best bet.

  1. Content Marketing

Whether you have a B2C or B2B company, content marketing should be up your list. Most B2C companies prefer and are directly inclined to content marketing. B2B marketers also agree that content marketing is essential to their marketing programs.

Content marketing is so effective because –

  • Boosts brand visibility to a great extent
  • Lays the foundation of long-lasting relationships with customers
  • Develops brand authority and credibility
  • Increased brand recognition and brand awareness

With correct content marketing strategies, a brand can track and follow the different stages of a purchase. Using those data, they can create relevant content that the customers will love. They will find solutions from these contents, which will build trustworthiness, thus increasing the conversion rate.

  1. Viral Marketing

Viral marketing uses a controversial or unique brand proposition and converts it into an internet sensation. Creating such content can make your brand a household name overnight. This may be the recipe for instant success, but it can also backfire if the content triggers any sect of people or their beliefs.

Some excellent examples of viral marketing are –

  • ALS “Ice Bucket” Challenge
  • “The Man Your Man Could Smell Like” campaign by Old Spice
  • “Real Beauty Sketches” campaign of Dove

Summing up:

There is no fixed formula for success in a business. Every business is different, and these strategies may be ideal for one but not for another. However, if you have a start-up, you should know these eight digital marketing strategies to know the best strategy for you.

Author Bio:

Tommy Brown is a scholar and a freelancer who works for He offers addresses “make my assignment” requests online and offers dissertation help to college and university students.