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Writing College Essays

10 Mistakes Students Must Avoid While Writing College Essays

Essay writing is becoming one of the main reasons for stress for most students. The use of essays can be seen for admission in many reputable institutes, which is why school, college and even university students are asked to sharpen up their skills of essay writing. College students have to deal with essay writing very frequently. They are supposed to work on their essay-writing skill, so they should find the best approach. One of the best approaches is to identify the frequently made mistakes you should avoid while writing college essays. Let’s discuss the mistakes you should avoid while writing college essays.

Ignoring The Main Aspects Of Essay

A critical mistake in college essays is that students often ignore the main aspects, including the order in which you have presented your information. You should follow a proper structure and order for your essay. For instance, an essay starts with basic information related to the topic of discussion. Then you provide detailed background on your essay’s topic. After that, you have to collect accurate arguments that support your claims. Lastly, you need to conclude the essay and give a set of advice. College students usually ignore this structure, including main aspects of an essay. As a college student, you should work on standard structure and avoid this mistake.

Not Paying Attention To Sentence Structure

You should also focus on micro-organization such as paragraph structure, word placements and sentence structures. Failure to follow these basic writing rules is considered a major mistake in college essays. Therefore, it is important to modify phrases and words and place them carefully in your writing. It will help if you put extra effort into making each and every sentence of your essay accurate and clear.

Overlooking Basic Requirements Of Essay

Another common mistake in college essay writing is that some students do not have much information about English. Therefore, they make punctuation, spelling and grammatical mistakes while writing their essay. Especially spelling mistakes are very common in essays. These errors can be a huge problem, so it is important to look carefully for spelling errors, as many words may not be in the default dictionary. It would help if you also double-checked all the mathematical units such as centimetres, milligrams etc.

No Use Of Smart Tools

In this era of technology, you are supposed to come up with something which has least errors. That is why, the use of smart tools is ensured to guarantee less involvement of human factors. For college essays, you can use Grammarly to remove grammar, punctuation and sentence structure mistakes. Furthermore, you can use the Hemingway editor to improve your reading score. Also, the use of a plagiarism checker should be a must to do.

Avoid Making Similar Introduction And Conclusions

Students often repeat what they have said in their introduction when writing their conclusion section. Be sure that your conclusion doesn’t repeat the introduction in different words. Try to make your conclusion clear and precise for your reader so that he can understand your thesis statement’s solution and the methods used to formulate it.

No Use Of Thesis Statement

A thesis statement sets the foundation of college essays. Without a thesis statement, you will always remain confused about making an effective discussion. So, you should avoid this mistake.

Incorrect Use Of Transition Phrase In College Essays

Paragraphs of your essay are divided according to your information, and your information should be presented that way. Ensure that your paragraphs should not sound like two different topics. They should show proper relevance between them.

The use of transitional phrases is not the only requirement, but its proper use matters a lot. The right word in the right place makes sense. Otherwise, using transitional phrases in the wrong place also breaks the whole structure of college essays. You have to see if the use of phrases is grammatically correct or not. Also, you need to clear it in your mind that no use of transitional words or phrases and their incorrect use make your writing illogical. In order to save reader from confusion, you should make right use of transition phrases in every paragraph.

Ignore Vague Or Controversial Topics For The Essay

The title of college essays shows the reflection of the content. When someone reads your title, they should know what type of information and research you have captured in your essay. The essay title should be strong and it would be better to avoid controversial topics because it becomes difficult to critically evaluate such essays.

Students Usually Do Not Seek Any Help

Students must invest a lot of time and effort in college essays. One of the common essay mistakes they make is that they do not seek help from others. They do not communicate their issues related to their essays to professional seniors. They also don’t even ask for help from their teacher when they get stuck in something. Even peer input can help you a lot, but most students are just solo players in their work. If you also go for same approach, you should understand that question is the key to success. So, you should not feel shame about it. You can also go for some online sources, like The Academic Papers UK to hire cheap essay writing services.

Making Irrelevant Points

You should always go for the points that can strengthen your essay. Just because of increasing the length of an essay, if you start making irrelevant points, it will surely mark questions on your skills. For college essays, you have to collect quality content from reliable sources. If the information you have written in your essay is irrelevant to the topic, this will not result in a good impression. Do not add irrelevant content to your essay; doing this reduces the interest of your audience.

Concluding Lines

The above-mentioned points can help you meet the standards of college essays. You can take these pointers as tips which can help you improve essay writing skills. Your essay must focus only on ideas related to your topic statement and order should be correct. By avoiding the mistakes as mentioned, you can write an effective essay.