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Why Kundli Matching/ Matching Of Charts Fail Sometimes?

Why Kundli Matching/ Matching Of Charts Fail Sometimes?

Kundli matching has long been seen as a crucial component of an Indian marriage. As everyone is aware, customs and traditions have evolved over time. However, the bride and groom’s matching kundlis from before their wedding stayed the same. Before being married, the bride and the husband must have their kundlis matched by the date of birth, to make sure they are compatible. It is claimed that their horoscopes should align during kundli matching. The Ashta koota milan system is known as kundli matching or kundli milan.

There are 36 Gunas in all for the Ashta Koot Matching.

Nadi – 8 points

Bhakoot – 7 points

Gana – 6 points

Maitri – 5 points

Yoni – 4 points

Tara – 3 points

Vasya – 2 points

Varna – 1 point.

Therefore, out of the 36 Gunas criteria, the marriage must be approved if at least 18 of them match. Hindu culture has a long-standing custom of matching the kundli before arranging marriages in order to guarantee a happy marriage.

Gun Milan, also known as “qualities matching,” is one of the many variables that must be matched before Kundali compatibility for marriage can be determined. Gun Milan is governed by the Nakshatra or Constellation. The horoscopes can then be used for additional matching if they score eighteen or more good scores. I want to let you in on a little secret. Gaining more points does not ensure a happy marriage, and losing points does not cause the marriage to fail.

A score of eighteen or above indicates that only one of the several matching elements has been taken into consideration. When you reach this many points in the online Kundali matching, you must seek the full matching advice of an experienced Vedic astrologer.

There is a total of ten criteria that go into matchmaking. Two of these are Gun Milan and Mangal Dosh or Mangal Milan. Most people who choose to have their kundalis matched believe that if Gun Milan and Mangal Dosha are present, the match is excellent. Most people, however, overlook the importance of matching factors like longevity, psychological and mental health, the number of marriages, chastity, wealth, and income, the Karakas Venus and Jupiter, the Navamsha, and the Trimamsha. No match is ideal before comparing the remaining factors.

Can one marry even if the Kundali doesn’t match?

We all understand right away how crucial kundli matching is to determine whether a marriage will succeed or fail. However, what if our kundlis don’t match? In the end, everything depends on how you and your partner resolve issues privately. You seek advice from a reputable astrologer in such a circumstance. To reverse the negative effects of dosh and yogas in the couple’s birth chart, there are a number of cures and methods that can be used.

Because astrology is a science, it has theories, treatments, and solutions to issues. They won’t ever oppose love. Even if your kundlis don’t match, astrology has a solution to help you get married to someone. So quit fretting and get married to your partner.

Why do marriages fail even after matching horoscopes?

Many people complain to me that their marriage didn’t work out even after the kundli match. After checking those horoscopes, I discover two fundamental causes for this disaster. First of all, only Gun Milan’s horoscope was matched, and secondly, the matching was performed by a less-than-qualified individual.

Does Horoscope matching guarantee a successful marriage?

It depends on the approach we use to kundli matching. I’ve been doing Vedic chart matching for a while, and I can assure you that marriages will succeed if we use this approach of thorough chart matching. I can personally attest to a significant number of these happy unions and assert that horoscope compatibility virtually ensures marital happiness. However, the matching should be thorough and not simply apply to Gun Milan or Mangal Milan. Literally, comprehensive means that any negative aspects of one horoscope should be appropriately balanced by the positive aspects of the other horoscope. So-done marriage matches rarely fail.