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The Tech What


What Is SR22 Car Insurance and How Can Drivers Save Money on It?

If you’ve committed a major driving violation, such as a DUI, you may have been told that SR-22 car insurance is a requirement. However, this terminology can be a bit confusing. An SR-22 is actually form high-risk drivers are sometimes required to file. It establishes that the driver has met their state’s basic requirements for liability insurance. Thus, when people talk about SR-22 insurance, they usually mean having at least the minimum insurance amounts required.

Special Circumstances Surrounding SR-22 Forms

Every state does not require that high-risk drivers file SR-22 forms. As such, drivers should familiarize themselves with the rules and regulations in their specific states. These regulations will also dictate how long the driver must file the form and maintain verified coverage.

Invest Real Time into Finding Affordable Coverage

If you’re obligated, for whatever reason, to have and show proof of minimum insurance requirements, you need to comply. There’s really no way around it. But, with that said, there’s no need to spend a fortune on insurance. Even if your rates are higher due to past mistakes, there are still plenty of things you can do to secure the most reasonable rate possible.

To begin with, don’t just settle on the first policy or provider you come across. Instead, shop around to find the best rate. Secure insurance quotes from different providers willing to serve you.

From there, compare those quotes thoroughly. Don’t just look at the cost. Also pay attention to what’s included in the total policy price. For best results, aim for as much coverage as possible at the lowest rate.

 Make Your Car as Safe as Possible with Extra Safety Features

Insurance companies are looking to insure people and vehicles that present the least possible risk. As a result, the more drivers can do to make their cars less vulnerable to accidents and theft, the lower their insurance rates are likely to be. If you find yourself faced with higher rates than you’d like to pay, consider adding various safety features to your vehicle.

Car owners should research which safety add-ons carry the most weight in lowering insurance rates for their specific vehicle. In general, though, features like daytime running lamps, rear cameras, and lane departure warning systems can be a huge help. While there may be some costs involved with installing these features after purchase, the insurance savings can ultimately pay off in the long run.

Don’t Forget to Ask About Discounts

As a final tip, know that most major car insurers offer a variety of ways to save. For example, insurers that offer other types of insurance, such as home insurance, often offer a multiple policy discount for those who take out more than one type of policy. Or, you could enjoy a discount for taking an approved driver education course or for the type of work you do. To ensure you don’t miss out on any discounts, ask prospective insurers about all the discounts they offer. Alternately, drivers can research common discounts and then seek out insurers who offer the ones that apply to them. 

Ultimately, car insurance is important because it protects you and other drivers on the road. But, insurance shouldn’t cost a fortune, and it doesn’t have to. With some research and effort, it’s easy to find a reasonably priced policy that meets or exceeds the required amounts.