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Trending Software Development Company Jobs You Should Be Aware Of

With software development becoming increasingly popular and the world relying more on technology, it’s no wonder companies are looking for more tech-savvy workers. Here are some trending software development company jobs you should be aware of, so you can make sure to hire the right talent.

Remote work is becoming more and more popular among developers, who are able to spend their days at home and still be productive. This trend is especially beneficial in a digital world where people often expect around-the-clock service.

Mobile Developer

With mobile devices gaining a larger share of the global internet, demand for mobile developer jobs has never been so high. These tech professionals develop applications for Apple’s iOS and Google’s Android platforms.

A career as a mobile developer can be challenging, but it’s also very rewarding. As a mobile developer, you’ll have the opportunity to create apps that improve lives and provide better services. In addition, you’ll earn a competitive salary and enjoy job variety.

Software Engineer


With smartphones, tablets, smartwatches, and other tech devices dominating the world, there’s a growing need for software engineers to design and develop the programs that operate these devices.

Software engineers work across multiple disciplines and teams to design and create software for a variety of industries. They apply a “big picture” approach to software development, which involves analyzing assigned user groups’ needs and designing software to meet them.

The field of software engineering is one of the most popular and highly in-demand, with a job outlook that’s expected to grow by more than 26 percent from 2018-2028. As a result, you can expect to find work in virtually any industry that relies on software.

UI/UX Designer

UI/UX designers use design skills to create interfaces for websites, apps, and other digital products. They also perform usability tests to ensure that users can navigate a site or app without having trouble.

Typically, these specialists are paired with web developers who create the actual software. A UI/UX designer’s duties are often similar to those of a software engineer, but they focus on visual design instead of code.

A UI/UX designer must be able to communicate with multiple stakeholders. This is crucial in any project, as they must collaborate to create a design that works for everyone involved.

Another critical skill is user research, which requires empathy and understanding of what a person is trying to do when they use a particular product or service. In addition, UI/UX designers must be skilled in information architecture, which focuses on organizing content in an effective way.

Front-End Developer

Front-end developers develop the user interface of websites and web applications. They ensure that the design of these applications works well across different screen sizes and operating systems (OSs).

Front-end devs use computer programming languages like HTML, Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), and JavaScript to create websites with exceptional functionality, speed, and smooth user experience. Besides these core skills, they must also be familiar with frameworks and libraries that simplify the process of writing code and delivering content.

These professionals can earn anywhere between US$110,100 and $124,473 per year. This is based on the position, company, and location they work in.

Back-End Developer

Back-end developers work on the server side of websites to create their structure and functionality. They use technical skills to manage the site’s operations, databases, and application programming interface (API).

A background in computer science or software engineering helps you excel as a back-end developer. These professionals typically have a bachelor’s degree and specialized training in back-end development languages, such as PHP or Java.

Back-end developers typically work in technology companies creating websites and software for their clients. These careers offer a clear progression path, with opportunities for advancement to senior roles or as team leaders.

Project Manager

Trending software development company jobs are growing in popularity as companies invest heavily in digital transformation and innovation to keep up with the needs of consumers and businesses. They seek software developers who can work with clients to understand what they want and turn that into technical requirements.

They also need a project manager who can lead software developers, designers and other teams to deliver results within deadlines and budgets. They’re responsible for establishing communication strategies, laying out blueprints and tracking progress.

They also have to be able to adapt to changing deadlines, technology, and the preferences of clients over the course of a project. This requires strong attention to detail and the ability to remain calm in a fast-paced environment.

DevOps Engineer

A devOps engineer is an IT professional who helps development and operations teams work together. They automate processes and integrate code changes into the production environment, allowing them to deliver digital technologies more quickly.

To be a successful DevOps engineer, you should have strong communication skills. You also need to have experience using a variety of automation tools for developing continuous integration and delivery pipelines.

You should also have a solid understanding of cloud computing, such as Amazon Web Services (AWS) or Google Cloud Platform. This will help you ensure that your software is delivered securely and efficiently.

You should be able to design and implement a continuous integration and delivery pipeline, build and maintain code infrastructure, automate deployments and management of apps, and monitor and troubleshoot systems. You should also be able to collaborate with developers and IT staff to identify and resolve issues in the development process.

Data Scientist

Data science is one of the most in-demand tech careers, and there are plenty of opportunities to land a job in this field. It involves managing, analyzing and presenting data to solve a business problem or challenge.

Data scientists use analytics, statistics and software to process large sets of data. This helps them create solutions for companies, government agencies and individuals.

In some cases, a data scientist may collaborate with a software engineer in the development of a software architecture. This is a good way to get experience while working on your degree and build your portfolio.

Business Analyst

There is no denying that software development is the name of the game for many companies in today’s competitive business environment. The industry is undergoing a renaissance, with new technologies and societal trends driving strategic IT investments and hiring decisions. Some notable software developments include flexible and scalable applications, mobile and wearable technology, and cloud computing.

Some of the most successful tech companies in the world are looking for new talent to help them stay one step ahead of their competition. A recent survey of more than 1,500 executives revealed that the biggest challenges faced by the IT department are a shortage of qualified IT staff, a lack of digital technology, and outdated legacy systems. In order to keep up with the competition, tech-savvy companies need to hire the best and brightest in a wide array of roles, including programmers and data scientists.

Security Engineer

A security engineer is responsible for protecting the privacy of software development agency and employee data, and identifying vulnerabilities in software. They use specialized tools to scan for potential issues and implement solutions to fix them.

Cyber security engineers are highly in-demand and receive a high salary. They can also work in nearly any industry.

They also need to know how to use various programming languages, including Bash, C, C++, and Python. They can learn these skills at top coding bootcamps.

A security engineer must be a strong team player and have excellent communication skills. This will help them work well with colleagues and clients. They also need to be able to explain complex technical concepts in an easy-to-understand manner. They may also need to take on a leadership role at some point in their careers. They should also be able to work independently when necessary.