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Kidney Dialysis

Top 5 Myths and Misconceptions on Kidney Dialysis

People that are suffering from end-stage kidney disease know that dialysis is one of the last options that is left for them. This is used in order to filter out the wastes and remove the excess fluid that is built up in the kidneys.

Although dialysis can be life-saving and is undisputedly a hope in the dark days, there are still a number of misconceptions regarding this procedure. These not only make you go through a dilemma of decisions to be made but also waste a lot of your time in just deciding whether or not to get your dialysis done.

The kidney specialist doctor says That there are a number of patients in the world that are recommended dialysis but they don’t go for it because of the false information they hear. Some tell them they might die, while others tell them that they won’t get any better.

It’s time to get out of this all and know what are the facts and are the myths. So, let’s dig in. 

Myth 1: Dialysis is extremely painful

Dialysis treatment can never be painful. If you are someone that is getting dialysis done, during the treatment you should tell your healthcare team if you feel any kind of pain.

A number of patients also go through a drop in their blood pressure during their dialysis treatment. Now, this can lead to vomiting, cramp, nausea, and headaches. However, you can make a difference in your body’s response to the treatment if you take a good diet and invest in fluid restriction. This can avoid the side effects immensely.

In the case of hemolysis, there is a possibility that you might feel a little pain when the needles are inserted. But the pain is never unbearable as there is just little pricks. Most patients say that it gets very easy for them because they get used to the needles. So this about Dialysis is also busted.

Myth 2: Patients going through Dialysis can never travel

You can travel with dialysis but one thing to keep in mind is the right kind of planning. Before you think of traveling, you must make an appointment for dialysis treatment at dialysis centers in other cities. People that are on home dialysis either hemodialysis or peritoneal, can work with a dialysis team. It can arrange supplies for them that can help them get down with the dialysis.

The good news here is that there are a number of dialysis machines that are portable and can be taken outside the city or to some other location with a travel bag.

So, this myth that a dialysis patient can’t travel is not true at all. Facts need to be revisited in order to know what is true and what is not.

Myth 3: Dialysis can only be done at a center

This is false as it contains no truth. Hemodialysis is just one of several dialysis treatments that offers a variety of choices for you to choose from. However, with this cease in the number of patients,  a big number are going for dialysis at home.

Peritoneal Dialysis is one of the biggest examples. It helps in taking out the fluid from the bloodstream through the peritoneal membrane. There are no needles involved in this dialysis and the dialysis solution is instilled in the abdomen.

Home dialysis uses a hemodialysis machine to clean the blood out It is done in the same manner as in a center. But, it is at the convenience of the patient.

Discuss with your doctor about your condition and then discuss if you can get dialysis done at home or not. 

Myth 4:  There is so much to learn about Dialysis

Well, this is not at all true. There are of course a lot of things that need to be learned depending on the choice of your treatment. But, there is nothing as such that can make you feel overwhelmed or burdened.

The healthcare team, the nurses, and the staff of the hospital make it very easy for the patient to understand what dialysis is and what can be its pros and cons. 

Myth 5: You can not do daily activities with Dialysis

Now, this depends on the condition of the patient entirely. If the patient is in a serious condition, then there are chances they might need rest most of the time. But if they are feeling fine and active enough, there is nothing wrong with participating in daily activities.

So, this myth is also not true at all, the facts say otherwise. 


Dialysis is one such condition that can be very difficult to deal with. It is very important to know the facts and the myths about this particular treatment. Make sure to educate yourself with the right kind of information regarding myths and misconceptions about dialysis.

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