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The Tech What


The Psychology Behind Logo Design and How It Affects Consumer Behavior

A logo’s success is greatly influenced by the psychology of logo design. A logo is beyond an attractive picture to display but the cornerstone of a brand’s identity. Since a logo can’t speak, it is still worth a thousand words that itself speak for your brand and that’s why logo design is vitally the most important aspect of branding that plays a crucial role in shaping consumer behavior.


A logo conveys the values, personality, and unique selling proposition of a brand in a single image with the ability to evoke emotions, create associations, and establish a connection with the target audience.


The psychology behind logo design goes beyond aesthetics and encompasses the principles of color theory, visual hierarchy, and cognitive psychology. Understanding how these elements work together can help businesses create logos that resonate with their customers and drive sales.


So, without further ado let’s get started and explore everything about the psychology behind logo design and how it affects your brand and consumer behavior.

What is the Psychology Behind Logo Design?

The psychology behind logo design is the study of how different design elements and principles affect people’s perceptions, emotions, and behavior toward a brand. It involves a deep understanding of how design elements and principles can influence people’s perceptions and emotions. Brands that apply these principles of psychologies to their logo design can create a powerful visual identity that resonates with their target audience and drives brand loyalty.

BIG Brands Implementing Different Types of Psychology Behind Logo Design:

Here are the types of psychology behind logo design along with some examples where Big brands like Coca-Cola and Nike have used them, so don’t stop and keep reading to learn from them:

1.     Color Psychology:

Colors have a powerful effect on our emotions and perceptions. For example, blue is often associated with calmness, tranquility, and trust, red can evoke passion, love, and excitement, and green is associated with nature, peace, and growth. Brands use color psychology to create a framework for understanding emotional connections with their audience. Take a look at the attribute of each color that is represented in a logo:


  • Blue: Tranquility, calm, intelligence, and trust
  • Yellow: Happiness, hopeful, cheerful, and fun
  • Red: Passion, love, power, and confidence
  • Orange: Trust, energy, playful and optimism
  • Brown: Natural, stable, friendly, and comfortable
  • Green: Peace, nature, harmony, and growth
  • Purple: Royalty, wisdom, compassion, and creativity
  • Gray: Neutral, calm, wise, and professional
  • Pink: Optimistic, innovative, creative, and childish/feminine
  • Black: Power, modernity, sophistication, and strong

Brand using Color Psychology:

The Starbucks logo is a green mermaid image with the word “Starbucks” surrounding it in a circle. The Starbucks logo makes intentional use of color psychology by using the color green. The brand’s message of supplying premium, fresh, and healthy coffee is aligned with the color green which means growth, tranquility, and nature.

2.     Shape Psychology:

Shapes can also influence our perceptions and emotions. For instance, a circle can suggest unity and completeness, while a square can connote stability and balance. Brands use shape psychology to create a visual identity that aligns with their values and messaging. Below are the different types of shapes that are used in a logo:

  • Geometric
  • Round
  • Square
  • Rectangle
  • Irregular and organic shapes

Brand using Shape Psychology:

The McDonald’s logo is a simple, recognizable design that conveys the brand’s value and messaging by combining two arches of shapes with the yellow color. The use of yellow in combination with the rounded arches creates a sense of playfulness and approachability that is greatly aligning with the brand’s messaging and values.

3.     Typography Psychology:

The font and typography used in a logo can convey a brand’s tone, personality, and style. For example, bold and sans-serif fonts can suggest strength and modernity, while script fonts can connote elegance and sophistication.

Brand using Typography Psychology:

The Nike logo, also known as the “Swoosh,” is a simple yet powerful design that relies heavily on typography to communicate the brand’s values and messaging. By utilizing typography psychology, the Nike logo also conveys the company’s dedication to innovation and breaking through barriers.

4.     Simplicity Psychology:

A simple logo can be more memorable and impactful than a complex one. Minimalist logos with simple shapes and typography can communicate a brand’s essence in a clear and concise way.

Brand using Simplicity Psychology:

The simplicity of the Apple logo has been achieved by using simplicity psychology, which suggests that people are more likely to remember and prefer simple designs over complex ones. By using a minimalist design, Apple is able to create a visual identity that is easy to remember, visually distinct, and stands out from competitors.

5.     Cultural Psychology:

Cultural factors can also influence people’s perceptions of a logo. For example, different cultures may associate different colors, shapes, and symbols with specific meanings or values. Brands that operate in multiple countries or regions may need to consider cultural psychology when designing their logo to ensure that it is well-received and effective across different cultural contexts.

Brand using Cultural Psychology:

The Coca-Cola logo uses the brand name in flowing cursive script, with a unique red-and-white color contrast. The Coca-Cola logo has been adapted to reflect the cultural values and preferences of different regions. Like in countries where the Arabic script is used, the logo is written in Arabic script, while in countries where Urdu, Hindi, Tamil, and other languages are used, the logo is adapted to include the local language.

6.     Cognitive Psychology:

Cognitive psychology is the study of how people make decisions and process information about the brand. Brands can use cognitive psychology to design a logo that is easy to remember, visually distinct, and stands out from competitors. Logos that use bold shapes, contrasting colors, and simple typography can be more memorable and effective in capturing people’s attention and standing out from the crowd.

Brand using Cognitive Psychology:

The FedEx logo uses negative space to create an arrow shape between the “E” and the “x” in the word “FedEx”. This arrow shape is a clever use of cognitive psychology to create a visual image that supports the brand’s messaging of speed, and reliability in their delivery services.

Wrap Up:

Any logo’s success is ultimately determined not only by the standard of its design but also by how viewers perceive it. A logo needs to be relevant, meaningful, and targeted at the right audience if it is to have any psychological or subconscious impact on the customer. Fortunately, designing the right logo that appeals to consumer psychology need not be challenging. You may develop a unique logo that says a lot about your business just by understanding the different types of psychology behind the logo design.