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Remodeling Vs. Building a New House: Which One’s Better For You?

You live in an old home with old-school furniture and chipped walls. The instant thought is – Should I remodel the house or look for a new one? You can also think about building a house which requires more time. 

Years ago, an old gentleman shared a wise and heartwarming line with us. He said, ‘If the bulb of the house fuses or goes off, you don’t change the house – you rather change the bulb.’ This can be true for life situations, even when deciding between remodeling and building a new house. 

The question is – Should you go for a residential renovation or build a new one? Both have advantages and disadvantages, but to make up your mind, we’ve written a full post on this subject. Let’s get started! 

What is Home Remodeling? 

Your house is getting old, the paint is coming off, and the kitchen cabinets are old-school and worn out. What do you do? 

You call a home remodeling contractor for the job. Home remodeling refers to property renovation wherein the room’s purpose remains the same, but you change the elements. 

A few changes are made to improve the aesthetics and functionality of the house. It may also include home addition or increasing space in a room. 

So, you will stay in the same house, but certain changes will be brought about to give the house a new look. 

Home remodeling is a good option when you want to sell your property and generate higher revenue. We’re unsure how much you will fetch for your current property without renovations. You may have to settle for a lower price if it’s old. 

But, once you get a home addition or remodel the house and transform the space, you may fetch a higher price

Types of Remodeling Services 

You could get any part of the house renovated. For example, the kitchen space can get new flooring and cabinets. 

A bathroom can get a new tub, wall, and floor tiles. Maybe you can change the sink and the bathroom cabinets to give the space a new look. 

Living room space can be increased too. It will be a home addition project where the contractor will try to increase the space or create a new room for your family. 

Any interior renovation required can be done, such as changing the flooring to wooden material in all the rooms. You could also get the wallpapers and paint changed. 

Some people think that changing their home will solve all the problems, but an old house can transform into a new and better space. Remodeling is a possibility, and it’s a cheaper alternative. This brings us to the next section, where we shall unravel whether building a house is better or remodeling the old one is wiser.

Home improvement projects do not require major investment, and you will have more control over what needs to be changed. 

Building a New House: Should You Or Shouldn’ t You? 

So, many people believe that changing their house would solve most problems. 

First, you must figure out why you want to change home. Do you want to be in a better locality? Do you want a better neighborhood? Do you want to be closer to the office? There could be innumerable reasons for changing the house. 

If you do not like your neighborhood and wish to be closer to the workplace. But, if your goal is to have a spacious house, but you love the present area, then it is better to get a home addition. 

Some people have grown tired of the house’s aesthetics and feel they need a better kitchen or roomy sunroom. 

You can make it happen at the current address too. It’s easy to get a remodel done – this will change the house’s aesthetics without you burning a hole in your pocket. 

Getting a new home is expensive, and you may or may not get a loan. If you plan to sell the old house, you might not get the right price simply because it’s old.

In a nutshell, purchasing a home works when you have the budget, and your reason for shifting is that you need a better neighborhood or proximity to an office, college, or school. 

But, if the old house is dear to you, it is best to get it remodeled and transform the space into something beautiful and magical. 

Concluding Thoughts 

Building a home requires you to hire an entire team. You would need an architect, a builder, subcontractors, and more. It’s a new project. 

But the older house already has a structure, so you just need to make some tweaks or get home additions. In this case, the time and money required would be less than building a house from scratch.