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KYC Best Practices: How to Ensure Compliance and Protect Your Business

In recent years, customer onboarding has become a crucial aspect of businesses, particularly in the financial sector. The process of customer onboarding involves verifying the identity of a potential customer, collecting their personal information, and ensuring they meet the necessary requirements to be eligible for a product or service. The traditional methods of customer onboarding, such as in-person visits or document submissions, can be time-consuming, costly, and prone to errors. As a result, businesses have turned to digital solutions to improve the efficiency of the process. One such solution is Video KYC (Know Your Customer), which involves conducting the entire onboarding process through a video call.


What is Video KYC?


Video KYC is a process of customer onboarding that utilizes video conferencing technology to authenticate the identity of a potential customer. The process involves a live video call between the customer and a representative of the business, where the representative verifies the customer’s identity, collects personal information, and completes the necessary checks to ensure the customer meets the eligibility criteria.


Benefits of Video KYC


  1. Improved Customer Experience


One of the key benefits of Video KYC is that it provides a more convenient and efficient customer experience. Customers no longer need to visit a physical branch or submit documentation, as they can complete the entire onboarding process from the comfort of their own home. This not only saves time but also increases the level of convenience for customers.


  1. Increased Accuracy and Security


Video KYC provides a more secure and accurate method of customer onboarding compared to traditional methods. The live video call allows for real-time verification of the customer’s identity, reducing the risk of fraud or errors. Additionally, the use of biometric technologies, such as facial recognition, can further increase the security of the process.


  1. Cost Savings


Video verification can result in significant cost savings for businesses compared to traditional methods of customer onboarding. The elimination of the need for physical branches, document submissions, and manual checks can significantly reduce the costs associated with the onboarding process. Additionally, the automation of certain tasks, such as identity verification, can also result in cost savings for businesses.


Usage Of Video Kyc


Video KYC (Know Your Customer) is a process of using video technology to verify the identity of an individual. This method has become increasingly popular in various business industries, including finance, banking, and insurance. The following are some of the ways in which video KYC is used in businesses:


  1. Customer Onboarding: 


Video KYC can be used to onboard new customers quickly and efficiently, without the need for a face-to-face meeting. This is especially useful for businesses with a large customer base spread out over a large geographic area.

  1. Identity Verification: 

By using video KYC, businesses can verify the identity of their customers in real-time, reducing the risk of fraud and identity theft. This can help ensure that customers are who they claim to be, and prevent potential security threats.

  1. Compliance: 


Video KYC can help businesses meet regulatory compliance requirements, such as Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Know Your Customer (KYC) regulations. This can help businesses avoid penalties and legal action for non-compliance.

  1. Improved Customer Experience: 


By using video KYC, businesses can provide a convenient and efficient customer experience. This can help to improve customer satisfaction and increase customer loyalty.


Overall, video KYC offers many benefits to businesses, including improved security, enhanced compliance, and a better customer experience.




Video KYC is a revolutionary approach to customer onboarding that provides improved efficiency, accuracy, and cost savings. Despite the challenges, such as technical difficulties and privacy concerns, Video KYC has the potential to transform the traditional onboarding process, providing a more convenient and secure experience for customers. As technology continues to evolve, businesses should consider incorporating Video KYC into their customer onboarding processes to stay ahead of the competition and meet the changing needs of customers.