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Is It True That Some Birds Lay Blue Eggs

Seeing a nest with Blue Eggs in it could make you wonder what kind of bird lives there. Five common British bird species are known to produce blue eggs.

Blackbirds, Dunnocks, Song Thrushes, Magpies, and Starlings are just few of the UK birds that lay blue eggs. Though other birds in the UK sometimes produce blue eggs, these are the most prevalent ones.

This small guide was put together to help you determine which birds lay blue eggs based on their size and features.

Many people believe that Robins lay Blue Eggs, but in reality, their eggs are more of a light buff color. Indeed, the American Robin lays blue eggs. Investigate the structure of a robin’s nest in greater detail.

Blue Jays

In eastern North America, What Bird Lays Blue Eggs .You may find the beautiful blue jay, a perching bird endemic to the United States and Canada. They have predominantly blue bodies, with off-white bellies and white heads. Their black eyes and black markings on their otherwise white heads stand out.

The clutch size for blue jays ranges from two to seven eggs. Eggs are most often blue, although other hues including yellow and green are possible; they always have brown dots. The blue jay builds its nest in a tree, usually between 10 and 25 feet from the ground.

American Robin

Three to five pale blue or sky Blue Eggs are typical for a nesting American robin. The typical dimensions of an egg are 2.8 to 3 centimeters (28 to 30 mm) in length and around 2 centimeters (80 mm) in diameter (20mm).


The common blackbird, often known as the Eurasian blackbird, typically lays three to five Blue Eggs between the months of March and July. The eggs have an average width of 22mm and a length of 29mm and are a blue-green color with red speckles.

Song Thrush

Four or five glossy light- Blue Eggs with black or purple spots are what a Song Thrush lays in a nest. Size-wise, they average 21 millimeters across and 27 millimeters long.


Many people mistake a Dunnock for a House Sparrow because the two birds seem so similar. A clutch of 4-5 eggs, usually blue but sometimes with reddish markings, will be laid by the female. The tiny 14mm width and 19mm length make them difficult to see.


Starlings are beautiful birds, but don’t let their good looks fool you. Some of them have a black appearance, but closer inspection reveals that their plumage is really iridescent. Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia, New Zealand, Spain, and the Pacific Islands are just few of the places you may find them in their natural habitats.

They are harmful because they spread to new areas. Eggs laid by starlings may be any of three colors: blue, white, or green. They also like man-made buildings for nesting. Birds of this species are very social, often congregating in colonies of over a million individuals.


Within the United Kingdom, magpies are widespread. They deposit eggs that are bluish-green with black specks, somewhat dissimilar to those of the blackbird. They measure around 35mm in length and 24mm in breadth, making them much larger than a blackbird.

House Finch

House finches sometimes utilize nest boxes, and when they do, they lay eggs that are a delicate blueish-green with speckling. From late March until late July, they will typically lay between four and five eggs.

Blue-Footed Boobies

One of the most well-known birds is the blue-footed booby. This is because the carotenoid pigments in their diet of fresh fish give them their distinctive blue webbed feet. Men try to woo females by flashing their blue feet. The blue-footed booby lives along the coasts of Mexico and Peru, among other nations in Central and South America.

The blue-footed booby lays light Blue Eggs in nests built on the ground. They have a small clutch size of 1-3 eggs that take about 45 days to hatch. The eggs of both male and female boobies are incubated using the soles of their feet.

Female Bluebirds Lay How Many Eggs

Female bluebirds typically lay between four and five eggs throughout the nesting season. The typical clutch size for bluebirds is from two to eight eggs, however this does depend on species.

Depending on the species, a clutch of Eastern Blue Eggs, for example, might include anywhere from two to seven eggs. While the average clutch size for a Western bluebird is anything from two to eight eggs. A mountain bluebird nest will typically produce four to eight eggs. As a result, it varies greatly amongst species.

Certain species of bluebirds may raise more than one brood in a single year. As many as three clutches per year are possible for a female Eastern bluebird. Even the Western bluebird is not an exception. Commonly, the mountain bluebird will have two broods every year.

Will A Bluebird Ever Lay Eggs That Aren’t Blue Eggs

Indeed, there are instances when bluebirds lay eggs of a different hue. Bluebirds are known to sometimes produce white eggs. Although it is unusual, the female bluebird sometimes produces pink eggs.

A clutch’s clashing colors won’t repeat themselves. A powder- Blue Eggs -laying hen will produce an entirely blue egg clutch.

Likewise, white eggs are safe for consumption. If even a single egg in the nest is white, the whole nest will be white. In addition, if there is a pink egg in the clutch, the whole nest will be filled with pink eggs.

How Do Bluebirds Construct Their Nests

Just like any other species of bird, bluebirds have their own special ways of staking their claim and wooing a mate. This nest-building performance will be initiated by the male. It doesn’t make sense that the male would build the nest. During the nest-building display, male Blue Eggs transport as much nesting material as they can carry to the new mating spot.

Because he wants to impress the ladies. He’ll use this to entice a female bluebird or other nesting bird by placing it in a tree hollow or bluebird house. Bluebirds, significantly, are lifelong monogamists. So many people are taken aback when they learn that a female bird can successfully construct a nest without any male assistance.