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How To Wear Umrah Dress: A Guide For Pilgrims?

How To Wear Umrah Dress: A Guide For Pilgrims?

Umrah is a sacred and important religious ritual for Muslims that involves visiting the Kaaba in Mecca and performing acts of devotion. Wearing the correct umrah dress, also known as the “ihram,” is essential for several reasons including symbolizing humility and devotion, protection from the harsh conditions of the desert, and following the sunnah of Prophet Muhammad. The umrah dress consists of two pieces, the ihram garment and the head cover, which should be made of lightweight and breathable material such as cotton.

Step-by-Step Guide to Wearing the Umrah Dress

Step 1: Putting on the Ihram Garment

Fold the ihram garment in half so the two edges meet

Place the folded garment on your head and bring the edges to your waist, with the folded edge at your back

Wrap the right side of the garment around your body over your left shoulder

Wrap the left side of the garment around your body over your right shoulder

Make sure the garment covers your entire body including your arms and legs

Step 2: Wearing the Head Cover

Fold the head cover in half to form a triangle

Place the folded edge on your forehead and bring the corners to the back of your head

Tie the corners together at the back of your head, ensuring coverage of your head and neck

Step 3: Final Adjustments

Make sure the ihram garment is properly wrapped and covers your arms and legs

Ensure the head cover is securely tied and covers your head and neck

Adjust the ihram garment and head cover as needed for comfort and proper coverage

Tips for a Comfortable Umrah Journey:

Make sure to wear the ihram garment and head cover correctly and comfortably

Remember that the umrah dress symbolizes humility and devotion, so dress appropriately

Consider choosing a reputable and experienced best umrah travel agency to help plan and organize your trip

With proper preparation and attire, you can focus on the spiritual aspects of the journey and make the most of your time in Mecca.


wearing the correct umrah dress is an important aspect of the pilgrimage that should not be taken lightly. By following these steps and tips, you can ensure that you are dressed appropriately and comfortably for your journey. The ultimate goal is to respect the sanctity of the journey and make the most of your spiritual experience in Mecca.