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How to talk to women

How to talk to women

Talking to a woman is a delicate thing and one of the tasks that puts the majority of men in an unstable position. We tell you from the start, it’s not easy to talk to a woman but it’s doable to do it with. It seems completely normal to consult guide articles so as not to miss anything and manage to approach women. Since it is the most complicated species on earth, they are recognized as the pet peeves of men. Moreover, many people recognize that women are the main concerns of men besides money and work.

Take an interest in her

Women like to be complimented. On the other hand, avoid any physical remarks from the start of the discussion. They prefer you to talk about them, don’t wonder about the subject you need to talk about. The secret of any discussion is above all to be interested in the person you are talking to. It is better to be attentive and attentive in order to adapt to his personality. The more you listen, the more information you collect that could help you get closer to her in the future. Learn to ask women questions, but don’t bombard him with questions, it might bore him and find you too detective. Know that his answers will work to your advantage. The kind of question you should ask should refer to the future or the past, be careful not to ask too personal a question, generalize your questions in interesting subjects such as her dreams, the place she will like to love or funny subjects…

To promote himself

Although you are interested in a woman, keep your value. In other words, show off, women prefer men who feel safe and have self-confidence. Do not be fooled by having it only, focused on the whole and not only on it. It is true that you must listen and make it express except that it must be reciprocal. Don’t hesitate to talk about yourself passions, dreams, work, preference in music or food, dreams, etc… Keep your personality, it makes you more attractive than you think.


Don’t be hard on yourself either, keep it as natural as possible. Avoid showing that you are prepared for the questions you ask him. Do not think too much, tell yourself that women are unpredictable so you have to have self-confidence. We keep repeating that women like confident men rather than destabilized men with less recourse. If you feel too shy, try to adapt your environment to that of your interlocutor. For example, in order to loosen the atmosphere you can use your humor and make her laugh. It’s a technique that works every time because not only will she find you funny but also a cool man who knows what to say at the right time.

I hope this article gives you more guidelines and data that will be useful to many of us to talk better with women on dating sites. So you can click here and start practicing the tricks.