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The Tech What

Coming Summers
Home Improvement

How To Prepare Your House For Coming Summers

Hot summer days look very appealing on chilly nights of winter. However, when the summer approaches, the heat during the day and even night can become unbearable. If you live in an area where the summer season reaches extreme temperatures, then ac installation in homes and offices becomes crucial. 

If you are excited about the upcoming summer season, then you should prepare your house for it as well. Just like humans, buildings can be affected by extreme heat and you certainly do not have the energy to bring contractors into the home during mid-season. Here are some effective ways to prepare your house for the upcoming season. 

Aerate The Crawl Spaces 

Crawl spaces are spaces between the foundation and the main house. Every homeowner should check their crawl spaces twice a year to make sure that the foundation is fine and there are no signs of infestation. During the winter season, moisture levels may increase in the crawl spaces and prolonged moisture aids mould growth. 

You should aerate your crawl spaces of the house and clean them thoroughly. Make sure that there is no mould growth, rat babies, or eggs of different house invaders such as cockroaches and lizards. 

Check Roof 

The roof of the house should be solid and static before the summer season starts. Thunderstorms, snowfall and rain during winter may destroy the roof. You might see a few cracks near the chimney or shingles may be broken. You should make sure that the roof of the house is fine. 

Try to avoid going up yourself. You should hire professional services to check your roof and repair any damages. Professional roofers know what to see and how to repair different issues. 

Clean Your HVAC System 

Every house has a central heating and cooling system that needs to be serviced twice a year. If you have a HVAC system installed in your house then make sure to call professionals for ac service

Getting your ac cleaned and serviced thoroughly before summer starts is very important. Firstly, it will save you from facing issues during the extreme heat, secondly, you will be sure that your machine is working perfectly fine before it is needed. Imagine wanting to turn on your AC during extreme temperatures and your machine refuses to function properly. To save yourself from anger at the last hour, get it cleaned at the start. 

Clean The Gutters 

You should clean the gutters completely before the season begins. Rain gutters get clogged by dirt, dust, and fallen leaves. Leaves typically fall during the winter and if you have not cleaned them then, then most probably your gutters will be clogged now. 

Make sure to thoroughly clean the rain gutters to avoid issues during the rainy season. Clogged gutters may stop the water on the roof. Standing water can be very dangerous for the building. It also gives a haven to mosquitoes that can spread deadly diseases like malaria and dengue fever.