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Spotify followers
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How to get real and active Spotify followers (7 hidden methods)

Spotify is one of the most popular music streaming platforms in the world, with over 365 million monthly active users. As a musician or artist, having a strong presence on the platform can significantly boost your visibility and help you reach a wider audience. However, building a loyal following on Spotify can be challenging, especially if you’re just starting out. In this article, we’ll explore some effective strategies for getting real and active Spotify followers.

7 hidden ways to get real and active Spotify followers

Optimize Your Profile

Your Spotify profile is the first thing people see when they come across your music. Make sure it accurately represents your brand and showcases your best work. Here are a few tips for optimizing your profile:


  • Use a high-quality profile picture and header image that reflect your brand.
  • Write a compelling bio that explains who you are and what you do. Include links to your website and social media profiles.
  • Create playlists that showcase your music and the music of other artists in your genre. Make sure the playlists have catchy titles and descriptions.


Promote Your Music on Social Media

Social media is a powerful tool for promoting your music and reaching a wider audience. Here are some tips for promoting your music on social media:


  • Share your Spotify profile on your social media channels and encourage your followers to follow you on the platform.
  • Buy real and active Spotify followers for instant growth and get more audience on your Spotify.
  • Use hashtags that are relevant to your music and genre to help your posts reach a wider audience.
  • Share behind-the-scenes photos and videos that give your followers a glimpse into your creative process.
  • Collaborate with other artists in your genre and share each other’s music on social media. 


Collaborate with Other Artists

Collaborating with other artists in your genre is a great way to reach new audiences and gain more followers. Here are a few ideas for collaborating with other artists:


  • Remix each other’s songs and release them on Spotify.
  • Feature each other on your songs and release them on Spotify.
  • Play shows together and promote each other’s music to your fans.


Use Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing is a powerful way to promote your music and reach new audiences. Here are a few tips for using influencer marketing to promote your music:


  • Find influencers in your genre and reach out to them to see if they’d be interested in promoting your music on their social media channels.
  • Offer influencers a free download of your latest single or album in exchange for a shoutout on their social media channels.
  • Use tools like Upfluence or AspireIQ to find influencers in your genre and manage your influencer campaigns.


Run Contests and Giveaways

Contests and giveaways are a great way to engage your fans and attract new followers. Here are a few ideas for running contests and giveaways on Spotify:


  • Run a contest where fans can submit their own remixes of your songs. The winner gets a shoutout on your social media channels and their remix is featured on your Spotify page.
  • Run a giveaway where fans can win a signed copy of your latest album or a VIP ticket to one of your shows.
  • Use tools like Gleam or Rafflecopter to manage your contests and giveaways.


Use Spotify Ads

Spotify Ads are a great way to promote your music and reach new audiences. Here are a few tips for using Spotify Ads:


  • Use a catchy ad that grabs people’s attention and showcases your best work.
  • Target your ad to people who listen to similar artists in your genre.
  • Use a call-to-action that encourages people to follow you on Spotify.


Work with a Playlist Promotion Service

Playlist promotion services are a great way to get your music in front of new listeners and gain more followers on Spotify. Here are a few popular playlist promotion services:


  • Playlist Push
  • SubmitHub
  • IndieMono
  • Soundplate


Benefits of Getting Real and Active Spotify Followers

As an aspiring musician, gaining Spotify followers is one of the most critical aspects of growing your audience and boosting your career. Spotify, being the most popular music streaming platform globally, offers an excellent opportunity for artists to reach a vast audience and gain recognition. However, building a following on Spotify is not easy, and it takes a lot of effort and patience. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the benefits of getting real and active Spotify followers and how it can take your music career to the next level.


What Are Real and Active Spotify Followers?


Before we dive into the benefits of real and active Spotify followers, it’s important to understand what they are. Real and active Spotify followers are people who have a genuine interest in your music and regularly listen to your tracks on the platform. They are real people who engage with your music and help you grow your audience on Spotify.


Benefits of Real and Active Spotify Followers


Increased Visibility

The more followers you have on Spotify, the more visible your music becomes on the platform. Spotify’s algorithm prioritizes artists with a higher number of followers, making it easier for them to be discovered by new listeners. As a result, gaining real and active Spotify followers increases your chances of being recommended to new listeners and growing your fan base.


Boosted Credibility

Having a high number of real and active Spotify followers is an indication that your music is resonating with people. It also shows that you are a serious artist who is actively promoting your music and growing your audience. This credibility can help you gain the attention of record labels, music promoters, and other industry professionals who can help take your music career to the next level.


Improved Engagement

Real and active Spotify followers are more likely to engage with your music, leaving comments, sharing your tracks, and creating playlists with your songs. This engagement not only helps you grow your audience on Spotify but also provides valuable feedback on your music. You can use this feedback to improve your music and create tracks that resonate with your audience.


Increased Revenue

As an artist, you earn revenue from streams of your music on Spotify. The more followers you have on the platform, the more streams you will receive, and the more revenue you will generate. Real and active Spotify followers can help you increase your streams and revenue, enabling you to make a living from your music.


Opportunities for Collaborations

Collaborations with other artists can help you gain exposure and grow your fan base on Spotify. Real and active Spotify followers can help you connect with other artists and potentially lead to collaborations, remixes, and other joint projects. These collaborations can help you expand your audience and reach new listeners who may not have discovered your music otherwise.