The Tech What

The Tech What

create an app for Android and iOS

How much does it cost to create an app for Android and iOS?

Are you wondering how much it costs to develop an app?

It can be expensive, but the cost of not having an app can be even greater. For this reason we have decided to create this article to allow you to have a global view of the advantages and the path to take to create your songi app. Both on Android system and iOS system.

Keep reading!

Apps are now an indispensable tool for both users and companies that want to enter the market. If your brand wants to grow sooner or later you will have to develop a dedicated app.

The world of apps is accessible to everyone if you are a user, but if you want to switch to the other side of the counter, things get more obscure. Only industry insiders seem to know what it’s like to build a custom app for a particular customer. In fact, most people don’t have the slightest idea of ​​what costs it can have to design and develop a mobile app for brand or company.

In reality, there is no fixed price, a precise rate. A calculation must be made based on several factors.

This is a very wide range and probably not exactly the answer you were looking for, but in the meantime it gives an idea of ​​the order of magnitude we are talking about. Later we will come to get a more precise idea.

What are the factors that influence the cost of an app?

There are so many features that affect the cost of developing mobile apps (Android and iOS). The more complex, accurate, reliable and tailor-made the app is , the higher the cost will be.

It is very important to have clear ideas in mind before starting the construction of an app. What is your target? What functions should the app contain? Maybe an antivirus for iPhone or for Android? For which operating systems do you want to make it? What technological infrastructure will be needed?

We can better explain the matter through a simple list that collects the various requests that can be expected from a well-designed app.

  • Technological infrastructure on which it will have to work.
  • Typology (business, games, social networks, lifestyles, culture…).
  • Operating system it should be supported by (iOS, Android™ or both).
  • Required features.
  • Possible integrations with hardware and/or software.

Each variable listed above composes a different picture of your app and consequently a different cost of implementation. The developers will have to create a project specially designed for you. Wondering how much an app might cost without a clearer idea of ​​the variables shown in our diagram is like asking for the cost of a made-to-measure suit without going to the tailor!

How long does it take to build an app?

According to some research, the average time required to create a mobile application  is less than three months in only 20 percent of cases . In 80 percent of cases it is more than three months. Among the latter it is possible to identify a good 40 percent of cases in which it is necessary to reach six months and even more.

The development of the functions combined with the graphic realization takes a lot of time. For this reason, the more complex the product, the longer the time required for development and, consequently, the higher the cost of the application.

The simplest and fairly standardized apps take about a month to develop. Those tailored but still very simple can take just under three months.

Then we must consider that an application is almost never perfect when it is delivered: it will take some time to fix possible bugs and make corrections.

After building your custom application you will have to submit it to the stores, so that it can be used by all potential customers.

Here, too, it will take some time to obtain the necessary authorizations and see your app in the App Store, in the case of iOS, or in Google Play in the case of Android™.

There are controls and quality standards that stores require to get your app published.

Once approval has been obtained and the consequent publication in the stores, the costs do not end! Maintaining an application has a cost.

You will need to dig into your wallet to support:  hosting and server space , certificates for sending “push” notifications, bug fixes, payment gateway rates if applicable, the cost of the APIs of any parties third parties,  assistance and updates  for new versions of the operating systems on which you have decided to run your app.

Some experts argue that the average annual maintenance cost of an application is around  10 percent  of what it was the development cost.