The Tech What

The Tech What


How Do I Make a Stripe Merchant account Verified?

If you’re using Stripe to accept payments on your website, you need to verify your Stripe Merchant account. This will allow you to use the API for accepting credit card payments and make sure that transactions are going through properly. If you haven’t already done this, here’s how:

How do I make a Stripe Merchant account verified?

You can get your Stripe Merchant account verified today!

The first step to accepting credit cards through our API is to create a Stripe account and enter in some basic information about yourself, such as your business name and tax ID number. Once that’s done, you’ll need to submit some additional documents so we can verify that you’re who you say you are. If everything checks out, we’ll let you know right away; otherwise there may be some delays while we work through the process with various third parties like banks or government agencies.

Once everything looks good on our end (and assuming there aren’t any other issues), we’ll send an email with instructions for activating two-factor authentication (2FA). We strongly recommend setting up 2FA before enabling live mode because doing so ensures both the security of our users’ data as well as their peace of mind when making payments through Stripe Checkout!

If you’re using the API and have been accepted into the beta program, please see this thread.

If you’re using the API and have been accepted into the beta program, please see this thread.

If you aren’t already in that group, we recommend waiting until our public launch to apply for verification.

You must have a verified merchant account at Stripe to accept credit cards through our API.

Stripe is a payment processing platform for internet businesses. Stripe’s API allows you to accept payments online, in person and through mobile apps.

Stripe is the most popular payment processing platform for startups because it’s easy to set up and use, integrates with many other services (such as Mailchimp), has great documentation, and has an active community on Stack Overflow.

Stripe also offers some advanced features like multi-currency support that are not available with other providers such as PayPal or Braintree (which was recently acquired by PayPal).

Verification is only required if you are using the API to accept payments.

If you’re using Stripe to accept payments through the API, verification is only required if you are using the API to accept payments. If you have a physical location where customers can come in and pay with cash or card, then Stripe Terminal is the best option for you.

If your business accepts credit cards as part of its normal operation (for example, if it’s an e-commerce store), then Stripe will automatically request verification when they first start working with us. Most businesses don’t need this level of verification because they already have other ways of validating their identity–like verifying bank accounts or social security numbers–but we strongly encourage all new merchants who plan on accepting credit cards online through our service (even if just occasionally) to complete full identity checks before getting started so that everything goes smoothly later down the line!

The payment button will automatically redirect users to pay on your website.

The payment button will automatically redirect users to pay on your website. It’s a Stripe-hosted button that is embedded on your website, so you don’t need to worry about setting up any additional software or infrastructure. The payment button can be customized to match your website’s design, and it supports international currencies (including Bitcoin) in addition to traditional credit cards.

You can get your Stripe Merchant account verified today!

Merchant accounts at Stripe are verified by default. If your payment button is hosted on Stripe’s servers, it will automatically redirect users to pay on your website. In order to use Stripe’s API to accept payments, however, you must have a verified merchant account at Stripe.

To get started with verification:

  • Add “verification” as the first part of the name of one of your businesses in Settings > Businesses (e.g., “John Doe Verified”). This will enable us to identify which business should be verified for each API request made through our API – this cannot be changed once set up so please choose carefully!


We’re glad you decided to become a Stripe Merchant! We know that it can be a little intimidating at first, but we’re here to help. If you have any questions along the way (or after), don’t hesitate to reach out: we’re always happy to lend an ear.