The Tech What

The Tech What

Horse business: a little help is always welcome

Horse business: a little help is always welcome

One of the most difficult aspects of being an equestrian entrepreneur is that you often embark on this exciting business venture alone. This of course has many advantages, including quick decision-making, flexibility of time and place of work, and a sense of belonging.

Sometimes, however, you may need a little help from your friends. If so, don’t be afraid to ask! More than likely, your friends will be happy to give you feedback, be part of your entrepreneurial journey, and provide expertise and input that even you, the Google expert, wouldn’t have been able to. ‘bring.

What kind of help can you easily ask your friends for?

Here are some examples :

Grow your social media presence: Don’t be ashamed to ask everyone in your network, whether on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn or any other site where you feature your business, to like, follow, to comment and share. There’s no obligation for them to do it, so if they don’t want to, they won’t, but it’s okay to ask… It’s a great way to get this rolling slow social media snowball!

Financial / legal expertise: you don’t have a budget and you want to do things right? There may be someone in your network who can help you with basic issues or direct you to the right person for your needs and budget.

Testimonials and references: chances are you have worked with some of your friends in the past. Ask them for a referral related to your current business or to test your products and provide feedback, which you can then feature on your website or social media profile

Business Opportunities: If you are starting any equestrian business, chances are that many of your friends are interested in the industry or already have a network in this area.

Ask around: someone looking to list new technical pants? Anything that can get you started will fuel your business and build momentum.

Source of motivation: It is so difficult to stay on its positions, to continue and to overcome the inevitable periods of weakness of the company. Have a friend in direct contact with you who you know will help set your priorities, remind you that you are doing the right thing, and provide much-needed motivation.



While you should definitely trust your instincts when it comes to making decisions about your own business, it can’t hurt to get a second opinion. What most entrepreneurs say they miss working alone the most is being able to pitch an idea to colleagues and get instant feedback. Use your family, friends, business coach or anyone else in your close network for this: you might be surprised at their commitment to your new business and the wide variety of types of “help” that might be on offer within your network. Learn more about equestrian marketing, think of this digital specialist in the horse world.

Of course, for all other areas of expertise related to the creation of an equine business and brand management, the agency, with its professional experience in the equestrian network and years of experience in marketing, will be even understand your expectations and set goals with you.