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uniform tax rebate

Guide For HMRC Uniform Tax Rebate in the UK – UK Tax Rebate


The uniform tax rebate is a financial reimbursement scheme operated by Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC) that provides clothing vouchers to UK workers who meet certain criteria. The scheme allows employees who buy work-related clothes, shoes and other items to claim back some of the money they have spent on these items. If you qualify for the uniform tax rebate, then you may be entitled to claim back up to £500 per year in tax relief. Uniform tax rebate is a policy you can get benefits from.

Who is Eligible?

You can get a rebate if you have bought a uniform for your job and have paid for any of the following services.

  • Cleaning services
  • Repairs or alterations to uniforms
  • Protective equipment, such as goggles, helmets and safety gloves

What Costs?

You should keep these important things in mind. First, you’re not allowed to claim for the cost of buying or modifying your uniform: that’s part of your employment contract. You also can’t claim for dry cleaning, laundry, or repairs (unless they need doing because of an accident at work). If you lose any items while working (like socks or ties), then HMRC won’t cover those costs either.

However, if your employer has provided a replacement uniform but it doesn’t fit properly—perhaps because you’ve put on weight since starting work—you may be able to reclaim some money back through this tax rebate scheme.

Rebate Statistics

A quick look at the statistics shows that the average rebate amount is around £100. But if you earn your living as a doctor, nurse or other NHS worker, this figure will be substantially higher—in fact. It’ll be almost twice as much (£200). Police officers are just behind at an average of £170 per person. Finally, firefighters get an average rebate of £160 per person.

How Long Will My Claim Take?

The first step in claiming is to register as a claimant with HMRC. Once you have done this, you can make your claim online or by post. If you are claiming online, HMRC will send you a confirmation email which will contain the reference number of your claim and details on how to access it at any time.

If making a claim by post, then submit it directly to HMRC at:

HM Revenue & Customs

Tax Rebate Office

PO Box 9500

Newcastle NE99 7SG

Can I Apply if I Am No Longer Working?

If you have been employed in the UK for 12 months and at least six months before the end of the tax year, HMRC will consider your application. This means that if you worked as a waiter from April 1st 2016, until June 30th 2018, then your application would be considered.

If you were working for an overseas employer who paid into their country’s pension scheme and not into a UK pension pot (or any other country), then your employer should provide details about this. You should ask them for these documents when completing your rebate claim form.

How Do I Apply?

First things first, you need to complete the form on the HMRC website.

You can do this by visiting and following their step-by-step guide.

Alternatively, if you prefer a more traditional approach, then you could print out the form and submit it with your payment by post or email (if this is your preferred method, please ensure that you have included all relevant information).

For those who don’t feel like filling out a form at all, then there is always telephone support available; however, it’s advisable that you try to use one of their other options first as this service may take slightly longer than others due to limited numbers of staff available for callers at any given time.

All UK Workers Are Eligible for a Uniform Tax Rebate Regardless of Company Policy.

You might not have heard of the uniform tax rebate, but it’s been around since the early 1930s. It was introduced to combat high unemployment during the great depression and has since been used as a way to support low-income UK workers.

The good news is that all UK workers are eligible for a uniform tax rebate regardless of company policy, which means you can apply for it even if your company doesn’t offer it as part of its benefits package (or doesn’t offer any benefits at all).


The uniform tax rebate is a great way to avoid spending extra money on the cost of your uniform, and it’s worth knowing about if you’re planning on buying one. The uniform tax rebate can be applied for by anyone who has bought a uniform that meets certain criteria, so don’t worry if you are no longer working for an organisation with a traditional dress code. You will definitely be surprised at how much money you can save!