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Grass Carpets VS Real Grass
Home Improvement

Grass Carpets VS Real Grass: Which Is Right For Your Home?

AFor natural and comfortable flooring ideas, people nowadays prefer two flooring options one is artificial grass-like carpets while the other one is real grass. These are trendy and carry a separate feature set to functionally enhance the interior of your home. 

People got confused while picking the one for their places. The real grass has some limitations and can only be placed in the home garden. While artificial grass carpets can be placed anywhere depending on the requirements of the interior. This article clarifies your confusion and creates an exact pathway that directs you to the one you need to opt for. 

A Healthy Competition Between Grass-Like Carpets And Real Grass

To have a precise interview about both competitors, grass artificial carpets are synthetic fibers aligned to have a fake garden look. Such carpets boost the natural environment of the place. Real grass is a live plant that helps provide oxygen for humans to breathe. Taking them both to the ring will start their competition; we are seeing what grass idea goes the best with the home interior module. 

Down there, five rounds are mentioned to have a clear view of their features and deeply observe their functionality as per the requirements of your home.

1. Where To Install it?

Artificial Grass Carpet: Artificial grass came into existence after observing some limitations of real grass. Regarding installation measures, grass carpet in Dubai is not limited by any boundary. Depending on the area’s interior, these aesthetic floorings can be installed in any room.

Real Natural Grass: This is well understood that natural grass is always limited to the lawn because it breaths and demands managed life schedules for proper functionality. It can not be installed anywhere; it grows and requires specific factors for its life.

Winner As Per Decoration Requirements: Artificial grass can be installed anywhere in a home in accordance with the interior theme.

2. Environment Friendly

Artificial Grass Carpet: These grass floorings come with two types of fibers, most synthetic. Because the natural fibers can not bear non-stop heavy weights on them and lose their intact nature, they can be biodegraded.

Real Natural Grass: Natural grass is a plant that inhales carbon dioxide and, in return, provides oxygen for mankind with no harm generation. Grass can not even bear long stays and gets ruined with a little exposure due to its sensitive nature.

Winner: Artificial grass is preferable for bearing high foot traffic and furniture stays.

3. Maintenance Schedule

Artificial Grass Carpet: It is manageable even with a low-care maintenance routine. But the major issue people face is they catch the stain firmly, which is impossible to remove unless it damages the entire carpet’s appearance. 

Real Natural Grass: A living plant demands sunlight and water be well-managed; without proper care, it gets ruined within some days. It does not catch stains and can look luxurious even with a simple wash.

Winner: Real natural grass is easily maintainable, but it can get ruined if it is not treated with its food. Whereas artificial flooring needs care to avoid staining. So here is a tie.

4. Durability

Artificial Grass Carpet: These grass floors can stay for a maximum of a decade with a proper care schedule. Their fibers start losing their grip with time, and a fiber cluster loss can be seen.

Real Natural Grass: A grass plant can manage its survival for over three decades if treated properly with extra care, proper nutrients, and a maintenance routine.

Winner: Natural grass is the winner because it can stay longer than artificial grass-like carpet flooring.

5. Functionalities At The Atmospheric Level

Artificial Grass Carpet: Their fibers can trap dirt particles and provide clean air. They block invasive sounds and work as an insulator to offer a calm and peaceful environment to the place. 

Real Natural Grass: With no sound-absorbing quality, it absorbs carbon dioxide and adds oxygen to the environment for human beings. It produces no sharp smells even after ten years of installation.

Winner: For a luxurious interior look, adding carpet artificial grass to the place is preferable because it comes in a tremendous shade variety.

Results Are Concluded

When it comes to the decoration of the home interior. Designers prefer artificial grass over real one because it is easily maintainable. Its installation is easier than the real natural grass and also. And it does not need sunlight, a watering schedule, and proper nutrition to manage its luxurious looks. It feels comfortable under the feet and is designed to bear heavy loads without compromising appearance.