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Consider these if you want a healthy lifestyle

Consider these if you want a healthy lifestyle

The summertime during the summer months in Delaware is the ideal moment to take a walk and alter the way we consume food. From better cardiovascular health, less stress, and improved muscular strength to weight loss that is more effective, the summer months offer a wealth of health benefits. BayHealth Family Medicine Doctor Laurianne Haynes MD offers six tips to take advantage of summer’s activities and tastes that can bring you health benefits.

Jump in the Pool

How better to keep a Healthy lifestyle than to get in one of the most beneficial exercises than swimming? Even a leisurely swim can generate up to 500 calories in an hour. If you’re looking to step up the intensity make sure you wear webbed gloves and water shoes to give you even more resistance to water. There are numerous aerobic exercises that you can perform in the pool too. Try water jogging while in water that is waist-high. Begin by jogging for a period of 1 to 3 minutes. “Working out in the water has the added benefit of being easy on your joints and may even help reduce pain for other ailments such as arthritis and fibromyalgia,” Dr. Haynes.

Go wellness center

Kayaking is a different activity that is safe for knee and hip joints and will provide you with an excellent cardiovascular workout and upper body exercise. Paddling is not just a great exercise for alchemy health and wellness  of your shoulders and arms but also serves as an exercise to build muscle mass for your chest, back, and abdominal muscles. The twisting motion, as well as the balance exercise those key areas. A single hour of kayaking could burn upwards of 400 calories. Do you not have a kayak? Don’t worry. There are numerous places around Delaware where you can lease one for as low as $9 an hour.

Hit the Trails

Do you prefer a dry, flat terrain? You’re in luck, Delaware offers a trail for you. Explore one the Dr. Haynes’ other favorite things to do by taking the trails on the more than 150 trails that the state of Delaware has to offer, which includes over 50 trails that are stroller and wheelchair-friendly. “There are miles of easy-to-walk trails nearby,” said Dr. Haynes. Take a look at the 1.5-mile loop on the Hunn Nature Trail or, If you’re looking for moderate strenuousness, head towards the upstate tranquil paths that are located in White Clay Creek or Brandywine Creek State Parks. A 30-minute stroll along a paved trail could be a great way to burn off 180 calories.

Spruce Up the Yard

Yard work is among the most rewarding of summer activities since you are able to appreciate the work you have done when you’re completed. Mowing, weeding, and even planting can all be beneficial to your cardiovascular health. You also get a full workout for your body that weight loss and wellness center will increase the strength and flexibility of your body and generate between 200 and 400 calories an hour. It’s another anxiety and depression reliever also. Therefore, go out and plant your butterflies’ milkweed, coneflowers, and peach trees and revel in all the beautiful beauty in your surroundings.

Drink More Water

We all are aware of the importance of drinking plenty of water. It is crucial in regulating bodily functions which include our metabolism. It can be difficult to accomplish, however, the heat of summer definitely helps. Therefore, when you’re performing all the activities to maintain a Healthy lifestyle above ensure that you are carrying plenty of water in order to stay well-hydrated.

Are you having trouble drinking regular water? You can try Detox Water, water infused with fresh fruit, veggies, and herbs to provide more benefits and flavors. One of Dr. Haynes’s favorite drinks is citrus fruit. In a pitcher, put pieces (peel as well) of half a lemon, lime, orange and 1 cup, each of strawberries and blueberries 3 small slices of ginger 20 mint leaves, and four cups of ice into the large pitcher and then fill it with water. Place the pitcher in the fridge for around 45 minutes. Once you have consumed all of the water, you can refill the pitcher until it loses flavor, before changing the ingredients.

Eat Cool Foods

In winter, we are awed by warm comfort foods, but the temperatures in summer actually lower our appetites. Make the most of your body’s desire to hydrate by eating cool vegetables or fruit-based salads for Healthy lifestyle. These salads are packed with nutrients that are good for us. Many like cucumbers, lettuce and tomatoes, as well as watermelon, cantaloupe, and strawberries, are also rich in fluids.