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Business Student Association Spotlight: The North East Coast Business Association

The North East Coast Business Association, or NECBA for short, is a student-run business association that provides resources and support for Northeastern businesses. They offer networking opportunities, educational workshops, and more, all in the hopes of helping startups and small businesses thrive. In this article, we will take a closer look at what NECBA has to offer the business students association on the Northeastern coast. Read on to learn more!

What is the North East Coast Business Association?

The North East Coast Business Association (NECABA) was founded in 1978 as a not-for-profit trade association. NECABA represents businesses, professionals and academic institutions on the North East Coast of the United States. The association’s mission is to create and support opportunities for growth and prosperity for its members.

The NECABA membership includes more than 900 businesses, professional organisations and academic institutions from Maine to Florida, including Boston, New York City and Philadelphia. Members participate in advocacy and educational activities that help shape public policy, promote business innovation and increase competitiveness.

In addition to its advocacy work, the NECABA provides members with a range of resources including business counselling, training programs, networking events and member services. The association also operates the Northeast Regional Business Center which offers resources such as meeting space and wi-fi access.

For more information about the NECABA or to join today, visit

The History of the NEBCBA

The North East Coast Business Association (NEBCBA) was founded in 1990 as a regionally focused business association. NEBCBA is made up of more than 250 member businesses on the North Eastern seaboard located in Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts and Rhode Island. NEBCBA provides its members with:


– Legislative advocacy;

– Educational resources;

– networking opportunities;

– Advocacy capabilities.

NEBCBA’s membership includes small to medium sized businesses from a variety of industries including technology, healthcare, manufacturing, finance, real estate, retail and services. The mission of NEBCBA is to advocate on behalf of its members and promote regional economic development.

The NEBCBA Mission

The North East Coast Business Association (NECBA) is a nonprofit, student-run business association that focuses on connecting students with opportunities in the business world. NECBA has several programs and services available to its members, including access to mentorship, networking events, and education.

NECBA was founded in 1989 and currently has over 700 members from across the United States. The association hosts multiple events each semester, including educational seminars and networking receptions. Members have access to resources such as a mentor database and a conference room. NECBA also offers scholarships and grants to students who wish to pursue a career in business.

There are many benefits to belonging to NECBA. Members can connect with businesses of all sizes and industries, learn about marketing strategies, and gain knowledge about starting their own business. In addition, the association provides valuable resources that can help students start their careers in business.

How to become a Member of the NEBCBA

To become a member of the NEBCBA, you first must become a dues-paying member. Once you are a dues-paying member, you can apply to join the organization. There is an application fee and an interview process to be a full fledged member of the NEBCBA. The NEBCBA also requires officers and directors to be full fledged members as well.

The NEBCBA has several committees that help promote and protect the interests of its members. These committees include the Board of Directors, Legislative Committee, Alumni Association Committee, Ethics Committee and Business Services Committee. The Board of Directors sets policy for the association and approves budgets. The Legislative Committee helps write proposed bills that could impact business in North Carolina and works with state legislators on behalf of its members. The Alumni Association Committee supports alumni associations across the country and helps plan events for its members. The Ethics Committee provides resources on ethical issues faced by businesses and individuals in North Carolina and helps create guidelines for business practices within the association. The Business Services Committee coordinates meeting planning, marketing efforts, website development, social media management and more.

Joining the NEBCBA gives business students access to resources not available to just anyone else in North Carolina. Membership also allows businesses to network with other businesses in order to find new customers or partners, learn about new technologies or find solutions to common problems. Becoming a member of the NEBCBA is an important step in any business student’s career path

NEBCBA Programs and Services

The North East Coast Business Association (NEBCBA) is a not-for-profit organization that offers programming and services to the business community in the Halifax region.

NEBCBA has a variety of programs and services available to its members, including networking events, educational workshops, mentorship opportunities, and advocacy initiatives. The association also publishes a quarterly magazine, The Business Journal.

In addition to its programming and services, NEBCBA advocates on behalf of its members through lobbying efforts and public relations campaigns. It also works to increase awareness of the business community among residents and students in the Halifax region.


The North East Coast business students association is a non-profit organisation that was founded in 1969 with the mission to help business owners and professionals on the Northeastern US coast grow their businesses. NECABA offers networking opportunities, educational events, and access to resources that can help businesses succeed. They also offer support for startups and small businesses. If you are looking for assistance with your business or would like more information on how to reach your target markets, then be sure to visit NECABA’s website.